North Stand Expansion | Configuration plans revealed by club (p 1285)

I've just skim read most of this but it seems the size of the rail seating section, is not being looked at objectively by some.

Some say there is interest from people in the South Stand but they wont move because the standing section isn't big enough. The club are saying it will be bigger, if the demand is big enough. The problem could be that those in the South Stand are saying they will but are unwilling to commit to it our of fear of losing their seat in the South Stand should the North Stand expansion not turn out to be what they wanted. City could be looking for concrete commitment before they green light more rail seating.

Also, yes push for the rail seating section to be as big as possible, to help the atmosphere but be aware of the balance the club have to juggle. Since we know the away end is in that stand, as well as the family end, there are different concerns and demographics that club are trying to cater to or manage. Unless they can move away end and the family end to one one of the east or west stands(probably not happening, I don't know why they put them there in the first place), then some people are being pretty unrealistic in their expectations.

I must admit, I question how many people thought 'breakout rooms' and 'religious rooms' would be a great use of space for football fans in the stadium though. Why are either of those so important on a match day?
...." away fans and family end in the same stand " ?

Explain please ?
When exactly is club going to increase the NSL2 safe standing capacity after the relocation window opens, if the 3000 safe standing seats are taken up straight away?

Exactly what is the maximum cut of point for safe standing seats on NSL2?

4000? 5000? It won't go any higher than that.
These are the kind of questions the club should have been covering in the announcement today, or as soon as possible. Same with prices, new season ticket info.

People need clarity on these things if they're going to decide to make the move or not. I'd hate to see this fall flat because the club's communication is too poor so no one really knows what's going on. It needs to be well organized, well communicated with fans to work.
Thought I’d stick my opinion on here for what it’s worth.

When the club approached 1894 about the North Stand, the term ‘atmospheric home end’ was used.

In various surveys and focus groups (conducted by the club and 1894), atmosphere was always the most important factor for fans (when considering the North stand expansion).

My personal thoughts (which I shared with the team working on the NS expansion) is that the clubs plans are not ambitious enough. This is the last opportunity. There are various things which have been omitted from this update (number of seasoncards, positioning of rail seats and positioning of GA+ seats, pricing structures etc) that are important on that front.

A point I made a few times (which I’m probably not eloquent enough to explain brilliantly on here) is that the message from the club is vital for fans to buy into the vision (of an atmospheric home end). I think a lot of fans who were excited about an atmospheric home end will be disappointed with ‘only 3k standing fans at the back of the stand’ - I was.

It will make many fans who would have moved think ‘screw that, I’ll stay where I am’.

The alternative was to release plans saying ‘there will be 7k rail seats, focus on atmosphere, decent prices etc’…. Then the demand for fans to move would be huge…. Build it and they will come.

The risk is that if we didn’t quite hit a target of 7k singers/standers. But then the club could have put normal seats in should they need to. It’s literally the same outcome (if the club are being honest about adding more rail seats if demand is there), but the positive spin on that point alone would have created much more excitement about the expansion (from an atmosphere perspective).

I am at one end of the spectrum though. I REALLY care about the atmosphere at City. I appreciate not all fans do and their views are as valid as anyone’s. But because I personally (as well as the thousands of members I represented) do care, I would always push for atmosphere over other considerations.
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Question to you all.

Do you think there will be more demand for 3000 safe standing seats on NSL2?

Factor in 50,000 match going City fans now. And then factor in 8000 new City fans.

When exactly is club going to increase the NSL2 safe standing capacity after the relocation window opens, if the 3000 safe standing seats are taken up straight away?

Exactly what is the maximum cut of point for safe standing seats on NSL2?

4000? 5000? It won't go any higher than that.
I suspect it won't go much higher than that (if even that figure). I might be wrong but I just don't think the demand is there for much more than that. Plenty won't relocate no matter what. They are just happy where they are, be that because they want to be near the away fans, are near friends already, prefer to be in the SS for access to/from the ground, prefer to be on level 1, can't be arsed to move etc.

Also the demand for new season tickets will come from a variety of groups - families, youngsters, FOCs etc, so I just don't see that there will be that much scope for the safe standing to exceed 4-5,000, possibly not even more than the initial 3,000.
Nobody knows the answer to any of those , but if people refuse to work with the club because of some fanciful 7/8000 figure we might never find out. If people don’t fill the 3000 how and by how many it increases we’ll never know. Fill the 3000 and see what happen.Refuse to move because of silly red lines and they don’t get filled maybe the number decreases.

I think the 3000 safe standing seats will be snapped up straightaway. With demand for more safe standing seats. I think there will be a cut off point where the club won't make anymore safe standing seats available.

What is very important is how the club sells and markets the new North stand and NSL2 to the fans. The club either go full on atmospheric home end, or dumb down on it, making a home end that caters for the wider fan base.
I think the 3000 safe standing seats will be snapped up straightaway. With demand for more safe standing seats. I think there will be a cut if point where the club won't make anymore safe standing seats available.

What is very important is how the club sells and markets the new North stand and NSL2 to the fans. The club either go full on atmospheric home end, or dumb down on it, and making a home end that caters for the wider fan base.
Agree, though I think whatever the cut off maybe 4/5000 who knows, those sat in front of it are quite likely maybe very likely to join in what’s happening behind them. The North stand even as set out today will be a far better ‘home’ end than the current SS1 and those not moving now might well regret not moving from the start. That said seem the club want to keep safe standing in the south stand too.
Myself I’m looking forward to it.
I suspect it won't go much higher than that (if even that figure). I might be wrong but I just don't think the demand is there for much more than that. Plenty won't relocate no matter what. They are just happy where they are, be that because they want to be near the away fans, are near friends already, prefer to be in the SS for access to/from the ground, prefer to be on level 1, can't be arsed to move etc.

Also the demand for new season tickets will come from a variety of groups - families, youngsters, FOCs etc, so I just don't see that there will be that much scope for the safe standing to exceed 4-5,000, possibly not even more than the initial 3,000.
Until the club releases season ticket details, and match day ticket prices for NSL2, we won't know the real and true interest from current match going fans, and fans desperate to watch the games, who currently can't get a season ticket, and 'can't afford a match ticket'.

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