North Stand Expansion | Configuration plans revealed by club (p 1285)

Are the public transport links from the stadium really so terrible? I've always just accepted that if you're leaving a stadium with 40k of other people that you're going to have to wait a bit for public transport. I'd like and appreciate more of them, of course, and anything the club can do to improve things would be appreciated, but they've never seemed much worse than any other major stadium in the UK.
Have you seen they are stopping parking around the stadium mate, it’s a joke and with another 6k of supporters they need to sort out the transport or those seats will be empty, 2 hours to get home 7 miles away it’s farcical.
Some trains run NYD, over the past 20 years once my local ones have in 2019 when we didn't play. No buses either.

Getting to a tram is the issue.

Well I’m not disputing that’s the case where ever you live but it certainly isn’t the case that “most” trains don’t run NYD.

But on a general point it’s at least encouraging that the club are aware of fans transport concerns and have said they’ll try and address it. Not much point guessing as to what, if anything, will come of it at this stage.
Considering tens of thousands are losing their parking spaces the Transport Strategy is derisory.
240 new cycle spaces, enhancing metrolink queue facilities, trialling more buses to the town centre (which will get stuck in traffic and end of trial).

The bit that shows it is all bollocks is this:
  • Further improvements as required to walking and cycling routes.
Where are these, and how have they been enhanced in the past?

  • We will continue our discussions with Metrolink to review frequency of trams and improved service provision.
Hasn't this been happening for ten years and nothing? Happy no one queues for longer than 35 mins in 2013.

What happens on NYD and Boxing Day with no public transport in most areas, or night matches when last bus train is 10pm?

Do city have any idea how people currently travel to games, how is it sustainable (not stated what context it is used in)? It isn't economically for the fans if £5 petrol for 4 becomes £50+ paying for train tram taxi.
I think I might by a cheap scooter just to get to and from the match, although if it’s pissing down and freeing I might just stay at home
Are opposition supporters genuinely wound up by this? For what reason?
I've had a quick look on twatter and it's the usual, can't fill the ground now so what's the point.....only doing it to cook the the replies to Henry winters tweet.....some right sheep on there who just repeat what they read on twatter

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