North Stand Expansion | Configuration plans revealed by club (p 1285)

No stadium in England is a cauldron of noise for 90 mins at every match, and never has been. Also, the monotonous repetitive drone of Dortmund's "yellow wall" is not atmosphere.
So true, football has changed, apart from a handful of games in a season the atmosphere at all stadiums is fairly quite.

Atmosphere is created by playing major rival clubs or caused by controversial actions on the pitch, not by how much someone has paid for a season ticket, how long they have supported the club or how near they live to the stadium.

This extension has to be paid for, it's not been built on sentiment.
I absolutely agree there are all types of fans and everyone enjoys the match in their own way and they’re absolutely entitled to do so. By “proper” I just mean a very vocal section that sets the tone and acts as a lead for atmosphere building.

The board have no interest whatsoever in creating a better atmosphere at the expense of revenue. The insidious creep of corporate areas all around the ground is testament to this. The only thing they’ve ever done to contribute positively to an atmosphere is by making a derisory percentage of away tickets available to younger fans but of course this has no impact on our revenue so it was a throwaway gesture really
Might be wrong but I don’t think the corporate areas have increased for quite awhile
The stadium was sadly lacking on corporate and the club needed to address this and have done Match day revenue is the lowest of all the “big clubs” by some margin and on-a person to revenue basis it yeilds the greatest percentage
Keeping aisles clear is a safety requirement and if breached could mean the licensing authority demand action such as reducing the numbers in an area or being more stringent when requests for changes are made. The PA is an issue, the club responded to complaints I raised as to the volume and even had a technician making readings around the stadium, it’s more complex that you probably realise. Some areas are unable to hear the PA some are blasted with volume certainly where I am CB L3 on occasions you have to shout to be heard Not sure they have improved it, but it if they have done anything it hasn't resolved it for me
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Anyone know when we can expect to see the building work commence and if a construction firm have officially been given the contract yet? I tried reading back but can’t find a recent post on it.
Sisk have the contract and the council have signed off all the documents so once the remaining piling and ground work is completed the main construction work can begin !
Might be wrong but I don’t think the corporate areas have increased for quite awhile
The stadium was sadly lacking on corporate and the club needed to address this and have done Match day revenue is the lowest of all the “big clubs” by some margin and on-a person to revenue basis it yeilds the greatest percentage
Keeping aisles clear is a safety requirement and if breached could mean the licensing authority demand action such as reducing the numbers in an area or being more stringent when requests for changes are made. The PA is an issue, the club responded to complaints I raised as to the volume and even had a technician making readings around the stadium, it’s more complex that you probably realise. Some areas are unable to hear the PA some are blasted with volume certainly where I am CB L3 on occasions you have to shout to be heard Not sure they have improved it, but it if they have done anything it hasn't resolved it for me
I think Kits was the last area. Family of mine are on Level 2 and have slowly been relocated further towards the corner to accommodate UEFA requirements first, then Kits more recently.
At £275+ per game, you can see the business case as to why the club have slowly been extending the corporate areas. It's a fact of life unfortunately.

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