North Stand Expansion | Configuration plans revealed by club (p 1285)

The height of the new NS will be a great addition to the Etihad stadium in it’s own right. The current NS height looks pathetic if we’re all honest, due to NSL1 being below ground level, and NSL2, which is a small tier, being above ground level.

What really catches the eye is the sheer size and the depth of the whole NS redevelopment. It will Look absolutely huge, what with the new stand, hotel, fan zone, the 2 claws, as well as the Coop Live Arena close by on Joe Mercer Way.

I like what they did with the South stand it made it look imposing over the road down the side of the stadium and you can see it on the horizon when you pull in at Piccadilly train station. The roof supports they put into the South Stand that stick out of the structure reminds me of the Millennium stadium.
The height of the new NS will be a great addition to the Etihad stadium in it’s own right. The current NS height looks pathetic if we’re all honest, due to NSL1 being below ground level, and NSL2, which is a small tier, being above ground level.

What really catches the eye is the sheer size and the depth of the whole NS redevelopment. It will Look absolutely huge, what with the new stand, hotel, fan zone, the 2 claws, as well as the Coop Live Arena close by on Joe Mercer Way.
Always used to amaze me as a kid the North stand at Maine road looked tiny going in through the turnstiles but enormous when you got inside, yet the ‘new’ Platt lane stand was the opposite
The height of the new NS will be a great addition to the Etihad stadium in it’s own right. The current NS height looks pathetic if we’re all honest, due to NSL1 being below ground level, and NSL2, which is a small tier, being above ground level.

What really catches the eye is the sheer size and the depth of the whole NS redevelopment. It will Look absolutely huge, what with the new stand, hotel, fan zone, the 2 claws, as well as the Coop Live Arena close by on Joe Mercer Way.
The way the season is panning out they may need to extend that museum ;)
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Yes, that is pretty much it.

Think that was what I was trying to highlight in the sections a couple pages back. The difference in height is huge.

Makes you realise just how 'low' the existing roof actually is.

Here are some fun figures to try relate to.

At the front (stadium end), the new roof will sit only circa 5 metres above the top tip of the curve of the existing roof. Which is still a lot but relative to the scale of this seems not that high. The first two levels of the steel as built so far are 5m each, for a sense of scale.

But at the back end, the new roof will sit 27m higher than the existing roof.

And the top of the new support will sit 30m higher than the current top of the support you see poking through the new steel.

For context, the steelwork you see built so far is at currently 29m at its highest point. So pretty much double its current height, before it tops out. Albeit not all that will be inhabited, about 20m of it is just the structural piers.

The rooftop walk, will sit just over 21m higher than the top of the steel you see right now.

The new outer most walls of the stand will come out 22m back from the current outermost wall of the stand. That's just the stand, not the rest of the connecting towers to the hotel/office.

You can actually see the foundations for new edge of the stand below, inbetween the two steel towers. That is where the new bars to the square, the 'stage', and the line of the new stand facade will be. That's how far back the existing external wall will push to.

View attachment 114454

It's immense and the fact the roof is only 5m higher at the pitch side shows just how much noise can be channelled and directed down to the pitch and around the stadium. These "bowl" style stadiums just see noise swirl up and away, and considering we still make a racket there, having a steep roof pitching down towards the players and retained within the stadium it's going to be immense.



Stand corrected on this.

That is the last row of seating at the back that backs on to the back of NSL2? Set back and slightly above the seats will be the hotel room terraces overlooking NSL2. Above NSL2 and hotel room terraces will be the floating 3rd tier with the restaurant inside the NS. The NS roof is above that.



Compare the height of the current steel structure, including the seat rows, to the current NS roof opposite. Massive!



The new Gene Kelly! Shows how far we've come when this isn't the finished design!
The height of the new NS will be a great addition to the Etihad stadium in it’s own right. The current NS height looks pathetic if we’re all honest, due to NSL1 being below ground level, and NSL2, which is a small tier, being above ground level.

What really catches the eye is the sheer size and the depth of the whole NS redevelopment. It will Look absolutely huge, what with the new stand, hotel, fan zone, the 2 claws, as well as the Coop Live Arena close by on Joe Mercer Way.
Looks like the trophy room is going to be to small or the planning application to extend it, needs to go in now.
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