One bad result and.....

DD said: daren't observe that anyone was below par, that anyone might have made a bad decision or that, heaven forbid, a player looked tired and may require a game's rest or you will be abused for being 'not a proper supporter', a reactionist, a pessimist or a downright lunatic.

Ten results and you might be able to say that a player 'had an off day but at least I would have taken that when stood at York in 1999.' :)

Seriously it's getting pathetic. No-one is allowed to say anything constructive anymore. No-one is allowed to question the merit of the slightest thing such as a substitution without being subjected to a barrel load of abuse.

Strangely, such comments go by unnoticed when we have won. Everyone's happy and they just put it down to part of the debating process, yet air the same opinion when we haven't won and you are accused of being hysterical.
I completely agree. Discussing where we think we went wrong is exactly what a forum needs. I must say that a lot of people don't know how to do that though and they go into talking bollocks, but that's no worse than the people who start moaning at people for daring to say "xxx was poor" or "Mancini got xxx wrong". They're almost as bad as those who start saying "xxx needs dropping" or "Mancini out" because they can't seem to differentiate between the two types of postings I've shown in my last two sentences - they're different, widely different. And the first examples are NOT moaning!
DD said: daren't observe that anyone was below par, that anyone might have made a bad decision or that, heaven forbid, a player looked tired and may require a game's rest or you will be abused for being 'not a proper supporter', a reactionist, a pessimist or a downright lunatic.

Ten results and you might be able to say that a player 'had an off day but at least I would have taken that when stood at York in 1999.' :)

Seriously it's getting pathetic. No-one is allowed to say anything constructive anymore. No-one is allowed to question the merit of the slightest thing such as a substitution without being subjected to a barrel load of abuse.

Strangely, such comments go by unnoticed when we have won. Everyone's happy and they just put it down to part of the debating process, yet air the same opinion when we haven't won and you are accused of being hysterical.
Haha. DD nails the cancer which killed blue moon.
Didsbury Dave said:
DD said: daren't observe that anyone was below par, that anyone might have made a bad decision or that, heaven forbid, a player looked tired and may require a game's rest or you will be abused for being 'not a proper supporter', a reactionist, a pessimist or a downright lunatic.

Ten results and you might be able to say that a player 'had an off day but at least I would have taken that when stood at York in 1999.' :)

Seriously it's getting pathetic. No-one is allowed to say anything constructive anymore. No-one is allowed to question the merit of the slightest thing such as a substitution without being subjected to a barrel load of abuse.

Strangely, such comments go by unnoticed when we have won. Everyone's happy and they just put it down to part of the debating process, yet air the same opinion when we haven't won and you are accused of being hysterical.
Haha. DD nails the cancer which killed blue moon.

Whilst DD is pretty much right in a lot of what he says, talk about the "cancer which killed blue moon" is absurdly sensationalist. Poor show.
Ric said:
Whilst DD is pretty much right in a lot of what he says, talk about the "cancer which killed blue moon" is absurdly sensationalist. Poor show.
Is he? News to me. When's Mourinho getting here to replace this manager that will never win a trophy and will certainly never win the league?


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Didsbury Dave said:
DD said: daren't observe that anyone was below par, that anyone might have made a bad decision or that, heaven forbid, a player looked tired and may require a game's rest or you will be abused for being 'not a proper supporter', a reactionist, a pessimist or a downright lunatic.

Ten results and you might be able to say that a player 'had an off day but at least I would have taken that when stood at York in 1999.' :)

Seriously it's getting pathetic. No-one is allowed to say anything constructive anymore. No-one is allowed to question the merit of the slightest thing such as a substitution without being subjected to a barrel load of abuse.

Strangely, such comments go by unnoticed when we have won. Everyone's happy and they just put it down to part of the debating process, yet air the same opinion when we haven't won and you are accused of being hysterical.
Haha. DD nails the cancer which killed blue moon.

You're still here though, so it can't be that bad.
It is not about one bad result

I think some people began to feel frustrated because after demolition United 6 - 1 and a lead of 5 points, we end the year with the same points.

There is a feeling that United has the momentum taking into consideration the latest performance of both sides.
element_mcfc said:
someone needs to wake these bastards up, they shudnt be tired, they are doing everything people are telling they are, WAKE UP

You obviously don't understand how the body works then! Yes they can be tired. Do you never have days where you feel a little bit under the weather or not 100% . Get a grip man,just because they are professional sportsmen does not mean they can never be tired. F.F.Sake.
Millennium said:
It is not about one bad result

I think some people began to feel frustrated because after demolition United 6 - 1 and a lead of 5 points, we end the year with the same points.

There is a feeling that United has the momentum taking into consideration the latest performance of both sides.

Grow some balls man. Winning the league isn't easy and there are going to be games and runs where things don't come off for us. United have been excellent since we walloped them but they have much trickier roads ahead. United can have all the momentum they want in December but it's May that counts!
Millennium said:
It is not about one bad result

I think some people began to feel frustrated because after demolition United 6 - 1 and a lead of 5 points, we end the year with the same points.

There is a feeling that United has the momentum taking into consideration the latest performance of both sides.
That's because Utd have responded well.

Winning the Premiership would be meaningless if it was easy.

At the start of the season I expected improvement on last season - I did not expect to be top of the League with Utd 10 points clear of Chelsea and Arsenal.

We are about to enter a very difficult period in the fixture list as we play a fixture just 48 hours after Sunderland when our rivals will be well rested, but this is just a passage in the season. Looking at the bigger picture we are way ahead of where most fans expected us to be, and we'll get better.

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