One Man To Blame For W/C


Well-Known Member
10 Nov 2008
Hanging in the Bluemoon Gym
Everyone is blaming FIFA in general, our media, our bid team etc. But if there is one person to blame for the voting it has to be Sepp Blatter.

It's quite obvious what this man has done not only with the 2 World Cups that have been announced but with past events also. He is making a name for himself and trying to put his name into the history books forever more.

The first FIFA President to give the World Cup to an Aisian country in Japan/South Korea.

The first FIFA President to give the World Cup to an African nation in South Africa.

The first FIFA President to give the World Cup to an Eastern European nation in Russia.

The first FIFA President to give the World Cup to a Middle Eastern nation in Qatar.

Blatter has shown he has no respect for anybody else, and that the voting has nothing to do with who has the best bids. Its all about him and his own legacy. Which just goes to prove that this man's ego is far more important than the game of football itself.
He made great play during the bidding process that he only had a casting vote. He must have been shittin' himself if he had to come down on one side rather than another. But if he 'oils a few wheels' during the process, he can always claim that the result was nothing to do with him personally. He is a repellent specimen. He carps on about football being about how to lose and respect for officials. Just another hypocrite.
You are right Blatter was never going to give us the World Cup.

PS What happened to the 3 guaranteed to vote for us because we had played friendlies against them?? Also the Yanks were going to vote for us as we dropped out of the 2022 bidding. You would also like to think that the UK vote went to us as well.

Given this we should have had at least 5 votes without trying???
their will be a political reckoning on this lot, two of the most politically strong countries in the world will not forget the massive snub they received?
Ricster said:
Everyone is blaming FIFA in general, our media, our bid team etc. But if there is one person to blame for the voting it has to be Sepp Blatter.

It's quite obvious what this man has done not only with the 2 World Cups that have been announced but with past events also. He is making a name for himself and trying to put his name into the history books forever more.

The first FIFA President to give the World Cup to an Aisian country in Japan/South Korea.

The first FIFA President to give the World Cup to an African nation in South Africa.

The first FIFA President to give the World Cup to an Eastern European nation in Russia.

The first FIFA President to give the World Cup to a Middle Eastern nation in Qatar.

Blatter has shown he has no respect for anybody else, and that the voting has nothing to do with who has the best bids. Its all about him and his own legacy. Which just goes to prove that this man's ego is far more important than the game of football itself.

Dead right and I really do not understand how he is head of this whole thing. Some of the things that are coming out are a disgrace. "England bid destroyed by the media", never mind the merits.
The destination for these World Cup competitions will have been decided on long before yesterdays voting fiasco ......

just like high profile job interviews , and almost certainly the X Factor , are fixed , these things just aren't left to chance ......

it's not what you know , it's who you know!
Ricster said:
Everyone is blaming FIFA in general, our media, our bid team etc. But if there is one person to blame for the voting it has to be Sepp Blatter.

It's quite obvious what this man has done not only with the 2 World Cups that have been announced but with past events also. He is making a name for himself and trying to put his name into the history books forever more.

The first FIFA President to give the World Cup to an Aisian country in Japan/South Korea.

The first FIFA President to give the World Cup to an African nation in South Africa.

The first FIFA President to give the World Cup to an Eastern European nation in Russia.

The first FIFA President to give the World Cup to a Middle Eastern nation in Qatar.

Blatter has shown he has no respect for anybody else, and that the voting has nothing to do with who has the best bids. Its all about him and his own legacy. Which just goes to prove that this man's ego is far more important than the game of football itself.

There were 22 votes. 22 people to corrupt. Blatter had no clue (as usual).
You are confusing two things here.

One one hand I would imagine that he sees his role and that of FIFA's is to widen the global reach of football and make it more participative. In that case it can only be a good thing that places like Africa & Asia get World Cups. And on some levels, it is even good that Russia has got it, with a large population, relatively undeveloped league but some good players and an emerging economic power.

On the other hand the mechanics of the process are open to question, particularly with respect to potential corruption. If FIFA have made up their minds who to give it to in advance then let them say that, rather than go through this farce.

Anyway, with his connection to Manchester City. it will soon all be Eddie Akafake's fault.
Anagrams of Sepp Blatter.....nothing too incriminating, but one or two that Wiki leaks may want to investigate further. Anyone know if he's left handed?

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No one on this forum is surprised at the level of corruption, so why is Anson so surprised. THe fact is europe is corrupt, beyond belief. We have corruption, the world is corrupt. People are talking about leaving Fifa. This would be possible only with the backing of the G13 teams/countries and hasn't it already been stated that more power to those clubs would be bad for football in europe? Lets just accept that if some is corrupt (which we already new Fifa was), that a lunch and photo shoot with Prince William and Peckham, is seen as a joke, when a couple of million per person is handed over from Russia and Qatar. Its actually hilarious. Dickheads like Anson are so up their own arses that they can't see the only peple that give a fuck about our royal family, are us and that Peckham is now a footballing nobody. You can see it now, "Well how would you like to meet a Prince?" from Anson to "How would you like a free night in my brothel and £400k?" from the ruski's.

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