Online Safety Act


Well-Known Member
30 Jun 2009
Posting this here as this will hit Bluemoon. I know a few forums are shutting down over this. there is now a legal requirement to act on illegal content "swiftly". its broadly understood "Swiftly" means "within hours" of being reported

if BM has mods around the globe then this maybe doable but its really something to keep an eye on.

A forum im a mod on is looking at trying to move the forum abroad.

Edit: Tagging @Ric just to make sure its seen.
Edit2: I think it becomes active at the end of March.
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The mods here will have a hell of a job policing how to mitigate hurt feelings on here by some complainants, I don't envy them the shitstorm happening if anyone's lip comes out and it's actionable by law to acquiesce to their demands for a safe space.
The mods here will have a hell of a job policing how to mitigate hurt feelings on here by some complainants, I don't envy them the shitstorm happening if anyone's lip comes out and it's actionable by law to acquiesce to their demands for a safe space.

the bigger issue will be "what is illegal" content. UK laws are a bit fuzzy ( intentionally )

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