Oops we ran into some problems

Due to the Tapatalk issues how do you increase the font size so it stays the same each visit on the normal site for iPhone ?
Well well well

I've turned off Javascript and I've got the most basic reply box back.

No header, no ability to format font, no ability to attach photo or use the media button.

Ho hum
Turning JavaScript off will, by default, disable all those options. I’m still not sure why the reply box isn’t working normally for you on Firefox though. What version of the browser are you using?!
On dark-mode on PC firefox, the text options ribbon for typing a new reply is:
On dark-mode on PC firefox, the text options ribbon for typing a new reply is just a grey bar, you have to mouse over to see the options.
Would upload a screenshot, but can't add image to post... :-S

Actually it is posting, but I get an ‘oops..’ msg. On any reply, with or without image

Editing and saving , has no issue
Turning JavaScript off will, by default, disable all those options. I’m still not sure why the reply box isn’t working normally for you on Firefox though. What version of the browser are you using?!
Firefox 52.9.0 (32 bit) - The last version to support Win XP
Thanks Ric, I've just installed Mypal browser (based on Firefox) which is supported by WinXP and the reply box with all the formatting options are working as usual.
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