osbournes big lie

If I may be allowed to say my piece,
Thatcher created a monster when she massacered the Industrial north of England meaning that a generation were left without hope of a decent future.
Major continued this in a watered down sort of way.
Phony B.liar then continued majors failed policies paving the way for
broon to continue the mess he had made while next door.
The time to cut public sector spending is in the good times, the time to attack the welfare budget is when jobs are plentiful, the time to stop new construction and infrastructure plans are when there is plenty of private investment.
Attacking the welfare budget now when there are no jobs is wrong.
The time to stop building social housing and repairing schools when builders are out of work is wrong.
The time to attack social services while so many are in great need is wrong.
The time to reduce educational allowances is when people are affluent and feel good about thier future.

By borrowing to build social housing you are providing work for those that need it, taxation going back into number 11 and less of a burden on the welfare budget.
By building social housing you will be able to house people that need a roof over their heads without lining the pockets of the buy to let, causing house prices to either level out or return to a more realistic value.
The rigt to an education for our next generation of taxpayers is fundamental aspect of a just and free society.
The right to work is likewise.
Thatcher was a disaster for all but the affluent parts of the south east of England.
Major didnt help.
B.liar & Broon made matters worse.
But their is an alternative to the cuts, close the loopholes in tax avoidance, target the tax evaders and the benefit cheats (reducing the overall welfare budget to ensure that those genuine can still eat in a warm home).
& stricter implementation of the immigration laws, (note immigration, not assylum)
scall said:
bumbleblue said:
Very interesting and thought provoking. i am at the stage where i barely believe a word any politician says from any sector of the spectrum left right or centre.

It does make sense. Although politicians are too afraid to stand up and say so.

Simple (and yes, I've used very simplistic numbers here) maths. Every time someone goes out of a job, it's £60 a week out of the Treasury to give them dole, rather than £60 a week going into the Treasury in tax.[/quote]

Tory collateral damage.Aided and abetted by their yellow traitors.

As in Maggie's day,sacrificing the workers in Northern cities is simply seen as a price worth paying in order for for the boys in Canary Wharf to carry on enjoying their Pink Champagne.Casualties of war.History repeating itself.
They know that the vast majority of the North of Britain historically despise them with a passion,their ideolgical cuts are aimed squarely at the weakest sections of society who've probably never voted Tory in their lives-so guess who gets hit the hardest?
law74 said:
If I may be allowed to say my piece,
Thatcher created a monster when she massacered the Industrial north of England meaning that a generation were left without hope of a decent future.
Major continued this in a watered down sort of way.
Phony B.liar then continued majors failed policies paving the way for
broon to continue the mess he had made while next door.
The time to cut public sector spending is in the good times, the time to attack the welfare budget is when jobs are plentiful, the time to stop new construction and infrastructure plans are when there is plenty of private investment.
Attacking the welfare budget now when there are no jobs is wrong.
The time to stop building social housing and repairing schools when builders are out of work is wrong.
The time to attack social services while so many are in great need is wrong.
The time to reduce educational allowances is when people are affluent and feel good about thier future.

By borrowing to build social housing you are providing work for those that need it, taxation going back into number 11 and less of a burden on the welfare budget.
By building social housing you will be able to house people that need a roof over their heads without lining the pockets of the buy to let, causing house prices to either level out or return to a more realistic value.
The rigt to an education for our next generation of taxpayers is fundamental aspect of a just and free society.
The right to work is likewise.
Thatcher was a disaster for all but the affluent parts of the south east of England.
Major didnt help.
B.liar & Broon made matters worse.
But their is an alternative to the cuts, close the loopholes in tax avoidance, target the tax evaders and the benefit cheats (reducing the overall welfare budget to ensure that those genuine can still eat in a warm home).
& stricter implementation of the immigration laws, (note immigration, not assylum

I believe the budget is looking to address all the parts that I have highlighted (apart from immigration as that is beyond our control thanks to the EU constitution that we don't get to vote on as everyone said "No" to it, so they changed the name and passed it anyway).

I would also say that many areas propspered under Thatcher, just not the Labour heartlands in the north mate. The area (of the north) I grew up in didn't fair so badly, along many others. But that is besides the point.<br /><br />-- Wed Mar 30, 2011 7:39 pm --<br /><br />
RBmk2 said:
Tory collateral damage.Aided and abetted by their yellow traitors.

As in Maggie's day,sacrificing the workers in Northern cities is simply seen as a price worth paying in order for for the boys in Canary Wharf to carry on enjoying their Pink Champagne.Casualties of war.History repeating itself.
They know that the vast majority of the North of Britain historically despise them with a passion,their ideolgical cuts are aimed squarely at the weakest sections of society who've probably never voted Tory in their lives-so guess who gets hit the hardest?

There is no war. There is only economics and a disaster of overspend from the last government when % borrow against GDP rose to idiotic levels.


Look at this map. Does it really look the whole of the North of England despises the Tories? Or just the big cities?
gordondaviesmoustache said:
Joycee Banercheck said:
Politics and economics are definitely not my fortes. I would take the word of a Nobel prize winning professor on economic matters (as quoted in the OP) before I belived a politician, though. Who gives a shit who writes the article as long as the professor's views are conveyed. I think that guy knows his onions more than anyone on here, thanking you kindly.

But I am sure you would be able to find another equally eminent academic whose views on economics were diametrically opposed to those qouted in the OP. Such is the nature of economics.

Thank God for common sense,

Economics is just common sense. I can't take Hari seriously.
I keep banging on, but they are all the fkin same and only carrying out the hidden hands agenda.

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.tpuc.org/node/107" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.tpuc.org/node/107</a>

<a class="postlink" href="http://centurean2.wordpress.com/2010/10/02/new-uk-coalition-government-are-common-purpose-masonic-puppets/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://centurean2.wordpress.com/2010/10 ... c-puppets/</a>
law74 said:
If I may be allowed to say my piece,
Thatcher created a monster when she massacered the Industrial north of England meaning that a generation were left without hope of a decent future.
Major continued this in a watered down sort of way.
Phony B.liar then continued majors failed policies paving the way for
broon to continue the mess he had made while next door.
The time to cut public sector spending is in the good times, the time to attack the welfare budget is when jobs are plentiful, the time to stop new construction and infrastructure plans are when there is plenty of private investment.
Attacking the welfare budget now when there are no jobs is wrong.
The time to stop building social housing and repairing schools when builders are out of work is wrong.
The time to attack social services while so many are in great need is wrong.
The time to reduce educational allowances is when people are affluent and feel good about thier future.

By borrowing to build social housing you are providing work for those that need it, taxation going back into number 11 and less of a burden on the welfare budget.
By building social housing you will be able to house people that need a roof over their heads without lining the pockets of the buy to let, causing house prices to either level out or return to a more realistic value.
The rigt to an education for our next generation of taxpayers is fundamental aspect of a just and free society.
The right to work is likewise.
Thatcher was a disaster for all but the affluent parts of the south east of England.
Major didnt help.
B.liar & Broon made matters worse.
But their is an alternative to the cuts, close the loopholes in tax avoidance, target the tax evaders and the benefit cheats (reducing the overall welfare budget to ensure that those genuine can still eat in a warm home).
& stricter implementation of the immigration laws, (note immigration, not assylum)

A ton of respect for your opinion mate,

Just a couple of points about '79 to '92

She didn't massacre the industrial north because British Aerospace created a ton of extremely skilled jobs that are still needed today in all forms of engineering.

Cheshire is about as affluent as anywhere, possibly behind Berkshire.

Gordon Brown set out with good intentions, but his relationship Tony became a national problem.

I certainly agree about social housing.
SWP's back said:
law74 said:
If I may be allowed to say my piece,
Thatcher created a monster when she massacered the Industrial north of England meaning that a generation were left without hope of a decent future.
Major continued this in a watered down sort of way.
Phony B.liar then continued majors failed policies paving the way for
broon to continue the mess he had made while next door.
The time to cut public sector spending is in the good times, the time to attack the welfare budget is when jobs are plentiful, the time to stop new construction and infrastructure plans are when there is plenty of private investment.
Attacking the welfare budget now when there are no jobs is wrong.
The time to stop building social housing and repairing schools when builders are out of work is wrong.
The time to attack social services while so many are in great need is wrong.
The time to reduce educational allowances is when people are affluent and feel good about thier future.

By borrowing to build social housing you are providing work for those that need it, taxation going back into number 11 and less of a burden on the welfare budget.
By building social housing you will be able to house people that need a roof over their heads without lining the pockets of the buy to let, causing house prices to either level out or return to a more realistic value.
The rigt to an education for our next generation of taxpayers is fundamental aspect of a just and free society.
The right to work is likewise.
Thatcher was a disaster for all but the affluent parts of the south east of England.
Major didnt help.
B.liar & Broon made matters worse.
But their is an alternative to the cuts, close the loopholes in tax avoidance, target the tax evaders and the benefit cheats (reducing the overall welfare budget to ensure that those genuine can still eat in a warm home).
& stricter implementation of the immigration laws, (note immigration, not assylum

I believe the budget is looking to address all the parts that I have highlighted (apart from immigration as that is beyond our control thanks to the EU constitution that we don't get to vote on as everyone said "No" to it, so they changed the name and passed it anyway).

I would also say that many areas propspered under Thatcher, just not the Labour heartlands in the north mate. The area (of the north) I grew up in didn't fair so badly, along many others. But that is besides the point.

-- Wed Mar 30, 2011 7:39 pm --
more smoke and mirrors from this con-dem alliance, they are saying about attacking the non-dom issue, they are promising to come down hard on people with money earned from the honest endeavour ot the working people in the UK with one hand, and then offering better rates in corporation tax3than other EU nations. They are saying that they have cut 1p a liter off fuel taxation and have stopped the 5% rise when they have already enjoyed more than that in the rise of crude oil. It has been stated by people other than myself that it was the inner city ares and the heartlands of the industrial north that suffered most under thatcher, so you show a map of the uk, many of the areas being rural farming comunities rather than the areas where industry was relied on for jobs and wages.
Which point of the recent budgt devised by Osbourne is aimed at tackling fraud and error within te welfare budget? and how has he tried to help reduce fraud and error within the same budget?by cutting jobs? meaning more are going to have to do more with less resources and less time leading to more mistakes while fewer checks are made on their work?
The policy is flawed in the extreme and will lead to great resentment and discontenment from which radicalism flourishes, when Enoch Powell said about rivers of blood, he was castigated and thrown on the political scrapheap, but if these plans by the tories are allowed to continue unabated, we will have a lot of social division which imho only leads to hatred and trouble on the streets.

RBmk2 said:
Tory collateral damage.Aided and abetted by their yellow traitors.

As in Maggie's day,sacrificing the workers in Northern cities is simply seen as a price worth paying in order for for the boys in Canary Wharf to carry on enjoying their Pink Champagne.Casualties of war.History repeating itself.
They know that the vast majority of the North of Britain historically despise them with a passion,their ideolgical cuts are aimed squarely at the weakest sections of society who've probably never voted Tory in their lives-so guess who gets hit the hardest?

There is no war. There is only economics and a disaster of overspend from the last government when % borrow against GDP rose to idiotic levels.


Look at this map. Does it really look the whole of the North of England despises the Tories? Or just the big cities?
SWP's back said:
They don't hold it in pensions (which brown already taxes now) at all with the personal limit being 1.7million.

But yeah, let's raise some more tax to repay Labours failings in the past. I'm sure that would be fair. And how would you tax non liquid assets such as property? IHT already does that to an extent for it not?

Very weak argument that TB, 20% tax on all assets of the richest 10%. The stuff of communism. They would leave the country in a flash. Thus paying no tax on any future income.

Why is it communism? Why do you have to try political point scoring?

The Labour Party fucked up but Osborne was supporting everything they were doing on spending right upto the banking crisis.

According to HMRC the rich currently avoid paying taxes to the tune of 75bn a year.
twinkletoes said:
SWP's back said:
They don't hold it in pensions (which brown already taxes now) at all with the personal limit being 1.7million.

But yeah, let's raise some more tax to repay Labours failings in the past. I'm sure that would be fair. And how would you tax non liquid assets such as property? IHT already does that to an extent for it not?

Very weak argument that TB, 20% tax on all assets of the richest 10%. The stuff of communism. They would leave the country in a flash. Thus paying no tax on any future income.

Why is it communism? Why do you have to try political point scoring?

The Labour Party fucked up but Osborne was supporting everything they were doing on spending right upto the banking crisis.

According to HMRC the rich currently avoid paying taxes to the tune of 75bn a year.
And they should go after that £75 billion.

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