Ouch, advice please!


Well-Known Member
9 Apr 2009
Trevor Sinclair's spare room
Woke up this morning with a horrible pain in the left side of my abdomen. I thought it might be a bruised kidney or something, or a back ache but I haven't done anything recently that could have caused that. It feels like a back spasm but in the left side of my front, I'm quite worried cos it's just happened overnight. Any clue what it could be or what could help it heal? Cheers.
If you're otherwise fit and healthy I wouldn't worry too much. Possibly just slighly pulled a muscle somewhere whilst you were sleeping. Maybe were in a funny position for a while before you moved around in your sleep and woke up.

If it persists and/or affects your breathing or other bodily functions, then see a doc or go to the A&E dept at the local hospital.
Cheers mate. Yeh, I'm a healthy 16 year old lad. It's just been bugging me all day and I've taken it out on a few people unfortunately :( I'll sleep on it and see what it feels like in a day or two.
No, ma bollocks are fine. Yeh, I wake up sometimes and have a similar pain like you say, sometimes cos I'm bursting for a piss but this has hurt all day and has hurt all the way down my left side.

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