Parental advice please - girls peer pressure

The Pink Panther

Well-Known Member
22 May 2005
My eldest (12 years old) is getting some right old shit about her weight and she's taking it seriously. The ridiculous thing is that she's nowhere near overweight, in fact her BMI is near the bottom end of healthy.
I must admit I'm terrified of her becoming anorexic.

What can I do?

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I'll be honest mate I assume you're quite a lot older and a different gender so she'll disregard your advice, I think its best you got someone a bit older 15 - 20 who is also female to speak with her. Preferably she'd know them, has there been any regular baby sitters or something?
Google anorexia, there's bound to be an advice page for parents.

That's such a crock of sh!t though, even if she was overweight. Sorry.
PabZab said:
I'll be honest mate I assume you're quite a lot older and a different gender so she'll disregard your advice, I think its best you got someone a bit older 15 - 20 who is also female to speak with her. Preferably she'd know them, has there been any regular baby sitters or something?

PabZab said:
I'll be honest mate I assume you're quite a lot older and a different gender so she'll disregard your advice, I think its best you got someone a bit older 15 - 20 who is also female to speak with her. Preferably she'd know them, has there been any regular baby sitters or something?

Kids are cruel little cunts.

I agree with this ^, has Mum had a chat with her about it?
the problem is that most childen wont listen to their parents or parents friends these days when it comes to stuff like this. What i hink is the best thing to do, is show your daughter pictures of disgusting, unhealthy anorexic girls, (ones that will want to put her off losing weight) then when she realises what will happen if she starts taking these insults to heart, she will soon start ignoring them and become happy and find better people to hang around with.

hope this helps.
Let me know who the culprits are and your daughters problems will be no more. I cannot stand bullies.

On a more serious note, all you can do is reassure her that she is nowhere near overweight. I think there are helplines you can call if you're worried about anyone in your family becoming anorexic, so if things do get over the top they're probably the best people to talk to.

She's probably going through a stage in her life when she's becoming really self conscious about the way she looks and what people think about her because she'll be hitting the teenage years soon. It might be an idea to speak to a couple of her friends, get them to make sure she knows there's nothing wrong with her body, and they could make sure she eats properly at school etc. I remember in my 2nd year of high school my mate going through the same thing, her mum was really worried about her so she rang me and asked me to "look after" her. Sounds a bit dodgey, almost going behind your daughters back, but at the end of the day you'd just be looking out for her and you'd be safe in the knowledge she's eating and not going without.

Hope this helps.

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