Always makes me laugh when people bring this up. "I can't be antisemitic because my mother was at Cable Street".
The Battle of Cable St (which two of my great aunts & uncles were at, two of whom were card-carrying Communists) was the scene of a Blackshirt march through a predominantly Jewish area. The left naturally turned out to oppose it. They'd have turned out wherever the march took place but that day it happened to be through the largely Jewish East End.
That is like saying the British Army turned out to oppose Hitler at El Alamein because they happened to be there that day. What you are really doing is denigrating the lefts actions and its the left who stick up for you.
Corbyn should be judged by his own actions, not his mother's. And him saying that British Zionists (i.e. Jews) lacked a sense of English irony was him saying that Jews can't really be British. That's as racist as any Islamophobe saying that Muslims can't be Britis. It's racist, pure and simple.
Is it really, if i say you lack English irony am I really implying you are not British. Maybe its because you do lack irony. Muslims can also lack irony, so can some of my friends, so can I, if your accusation of racism is based solely on that it is a shallow accusation.
Why do you not just be honest and say you hate the left, you don't have to make excuses up to hate the left.
His mother may have been at Cable St but her son was quite happy to associate with virulently antisemitic people, without ever challenging them or uttering a word of support for the Jewish people.
We have been over this before and again i refuted most of your claims as baseless.
You know Col, some people do find the actions of the state of Israel abhorrent, they see the treatment of Palestine as abhorrent, they see Israel as a state that promotes apartheid, they see the murder of Palestinian kids as abhorrent, they see the state backed murder of an Iranian scientist as abhorrent.
Do you find it abhorrent? Or do you support the murder of Palestinian children and the killing of Iranian scientists?
It is not black and white this subject Col, you know that surely. You have even said you would put some Muslim's in a mosque and set fire to it, i assume you meant HAMAS by the comment.
Because the hate is not one way Col, it is a two way street and getting back on topic, maybe there is a huge need for a movement for Peace and Justice so we can put an end to all the anger and hurt and actually see each other as fellow human beings, not as a member of a race, religion or creed. When i see you Col, I dont think "oh thre is that jew, i think there is Col the little blue midget, because I dont give two fucks about your religion as i treat people as people regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, sexuality , ability the same .........apart from rags of course.