Pep's contract situation | 2 year extension confirmed! (pg1817)

Makes me laugh all these weirdos out there who can’t hack how good Pep is coming out with ‘ bet he can’t do it with a team in the lower leagues’. Why should he have to prove that? He did it with Barcelona B. All those people coming out with that shite, why don’t they go do their job on a zero hour contract or for free to show how great they are.
You wouldn’t ask Michaelangelo to paint the bloody kitchen!!
This is glorious on its own but when you twin it with their mental opinions that Liverpool have the best first 11 in the world, best backups, best coaches, best inhalers, best everything, it makes it ten times sweeter because there has to be a reason why such an incredible dipper setup has watched a mediocre city side win 6 of the last 7 titles.
To be fair, Slott looks a good manager. I always thought any success the dippers had was in spite of Bingo, not because of him.

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