Pet dog problem advice please


Well-Known Member
19 Sep 2011
I have a 17 yr old Border Collie who has a growth in the top part of her mouth and this has made her snout swell on one side. This is also bleeding every day and sometimes blood from her nose as well. I took her to vet and they said they dont know if it's cancer or not and gave me a load of tablets. They cant do an operation cos of her age. Penny has virtually stopped eating now and Ive got another appointment at vets tomorrow. Dont know weather to ask the vet to put her to sleep or not. Some advice please.
I know that it's my decision as Ive had to make the same choice 3 times already since 2005. Penny's my last dog, just want to know if anyone on here has had similar problems with their dog to hers.
take the vets advice pal.
you may get some comfort here <a class="postlink-local" href="" onclick=";return false;">viewtopic.php?f=5&t=258638</a>
skyblue78 said:
I know that it's my decision as Ive had to make the same choice 3 times already since 2005. Penny's my last dog, just want to know if anyone on here has had similar problems with their dog to hers.
Last week we buried our 5 yo lab.He had a tumor on his liver and it was 8 days from diagnosis to him being put down.Even as I watched the vet inject him I was asking if we could just take him home with us and let him die a natural.Yes we could but he could collapse anytime within the next 8 - 10 days and he would be in pain.Not a choice really if you care for your animal,no matter how old.Done it 3 time before and will do it again.Not easy but it has to be done.Only you and your vet know the answer.I know what you're going through.
My mums was put down a couple of weeks ago, he had growths on the inside of his back legs. Was in pain. It's more cruel to keep the animal in suffering IMO. Best to put your dog to sleep mate.
Didsbury Dave said:
Are you sure you're in the right forum?

Feck me... this is an incredibly heartless bit of advise... should be ashamed of yourself...

Back on topic...

You will make the right decision pal as difficult as it may be. I dread the day...

This thread has upset me :-(

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