Difficult times at the BBC, money is tight and is due to get tighter what with the charter renewal and absorbing the cost of TV Licences for the elderly (£650 m).
Local radio will be hit again and so anywhere that savings can be made without cutting services should be explored. Is there any sense therefore in having both national and local radio reporters doing the same job at the same event?
It's a shame that Ian may not be able to report on City in the way he has for a number of years and both he and City fans will suffer as a result. Fans of other clubs in other regions will be in a similar position too.
My hope is that the BBC is able decease the number of middle management positions that seems disproportionate to the number of people actually making programs and content.
There will be other BBC services that are affected and we'll only have ourselves to blame for voting in a Tory government who are out to stifle the BBC.
Fuck me - it's Cameron's fault that cheesy is going!