PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

no PSR cheaters this time then?

guess those hotel sales by Chelsea all approved and and arms length strange transfers end of June between Forest, Villa, Chelsea, Newcastle for inflated prices for home grown talents moved around also all accepted without much checking and all above water.
I guess we will see some more of these transfer again in June.
Well surprise, surprise.
I don't know how Stefan puts up with him. He's constantly trying to belittle him on predictions he got wrong and not being right about Stefan's position half the time. He wont allow him to clarify any of it.

All Simon said was "This group (American businessmen=good) are smart people. I think they know what they are doing". He wants praise for that insight? Just shows his own double standards, based on where these billionaires are from. The way he's refused to go in on Chelsea, often defending them, has exposed how full of it he is.
Jordan just won’t fucking shut up when Stefan is talking. He’s a fucking rude clown!
Stefan mentions some of the detail about Leicester and the PL appeal against the appeal might lose some people. One of those people was gobshite Jordan !

And then Jordan goes into point scoring mode about Chelsea !

I don't know how @slbsn tolerates him !
Jordan just won’t fucking shut up when Stefan is talking. He’s a fucking rude clown!
Stefan is in the studio giving his justified belief (or educated view) how PSR is currently affecting Leicester City and Chelsea.
Jordan is there giving his opinion trying to prove Stefan is wrong. All of his media involvement is debating anybody anywhere giving his opinion trying to come up on the top of a person sitting on the other side. I
I tried to listen to few of his podcast interviews, quite difficult listening where I always quit after five minutes, because he asks a question and then starts giving the opinion about the answer. Very strange!!!
Chelsea applauded for selling assets back to themselves and that’s not cheating the financial regulations???

City who are steadfast that we have broken no rule get called cheats.

So what’s the difference? Owner investment or selling assists back to your parent company lol.


Not to mention the rags getting a pass with ‘special’ allowances to make sure they squeeze through.

The league are still going after Leicester and now will appeal the appeal claiming the panel members were not good enough lol.

Something badly stinks at the premier league HQ.

I guarantee you that if city had taken the Chelsea approach we would have been hung, drawn and quartered.
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