Players facing criminal proceedings

Of course, he can sue the CPS and Police if that's a route he goes down.

I doubt it very much he will though
If he does, and I have no inner knowledge of the trial evidence, evidence which may be excluded at his criminal trial could become fair game at a civil trial. Whilst he may not be proven, without a reasonable doubt to be guilty, the preponderance of the evidence could well find him liable in a civil trial if he is sued by alleged victims and evidence brought out during a suit v the government is used by the victims.
If he's suspended wouldn't the contract be still running. From a quick google wouldn't his contract have expired this summer? So even if not guilty contract would be over?

No matter the verdict wouldn't he be a free agent unless offered a new contract?
Chelsea sacked a player for gross misconduct of drug taking and sued him for the transfer fee they paid for him.Think they won.
Who was that? Not a quiz, I can’t remember.
I hope if he is found guilty (likely from what's out there) of his criminal charges, that firstly his victims get the best possible help from counselling compensation and other things that can genuinely help them move on as quickly as possible.

Plus secondly that we jump on top of that and sue him for every penny that he'll have left... I think we can try and sue him for everything including the transfer fee in theory it's not an unprecedented move in major breaches of conduct, technically he's damaged the image of our club Chelsea sued Adrian Mutu for the £15-£18m fee they paid (can't remember exact fee) plus wages in a long protracted case costing Abramovic more millions than he'd receive.

I'd just love us to sue him not for our own financial gain but from a moral standpoint and so he'll be absolutely skint when released if actually found guilty.
Nice, well reasoned point of view.
I wonder if we would be able to sue the police if found not guillty for depriving us of being able to play him?

Probably best not to mention that him being arrested was maybe the difference in us winning the league last year.
You ever seen him play for us? Even if he's found not guilty they did us a favor.
Regardless of whether anyone at City *should* need educating on these matters, they clearly do. It was scandalous of the club to still be posting footage of him titting about on social media and participating in title winning celebrations well after they were aware of the allegations against him. Some of the information emerging from the trial is extremely distressing and for the club to have potentially piled on extra distress to those involved was completely unnecessary.
They've continued to post content celebrating Robinho on the club instagram in the years since he was convicted of gang rape. From what i've seen/understood, the current regime seemed to manage the the Barry Bennell situation in a pretty decisive and dignified way for all involved. Their handling of these two more recent issues has fallen short though.
Innocent until proven otherwise.
Its also worth saying that the length of time this is taking is a shit show. Tories have run the courts in to the ground with under funding and there are massive backlogs. This could drag on a lot longer.
The trial is underway, it'll now "drag on" as long as the evidence needs it too.

He'll never play for City again whatever the outcome, thankfully.

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