Players targeted / Leg breaker hack on Sterling and kdb

Just 2 random names I picked from FIFA17, honest gov..........
I can’t believe you would bring Fellaini’s universally beloved name into such disrepute.

You’re probably why he came out to try to clear is reputation this week:

My favourite quote from the interview...

"Last season I was suspended after the derby against City for a headbutt against Aguero. He stepped towards me and then dropped dead. But, no, I get the red.

"Players often try to provoke me but do you know how many yellow cards I collected last season? Four, in 45 matches. I've never destroyed someone's career."

You know you are A consciously dirty player when your best defence is “I’ve never destroyed someone’s career.” He’s the Danny Murphy of Belgian media at this point.
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I suspect it would be very difficult, but then if the likes of Keane (who is indeed a horrible, nasty, vindictive b**tard) had been made an example of in the past, then we might see less of these horror tackles where it is clear a player sets out to injure another.

Even if you can't prove intent (unless a player screams "have it you c**t" as they go in studs up, over the top of the ball), you can still say excessive force was used if a serious injury is inflicted on a player. In my example above, I would have been guilty of using excessive force.

Can't argue with your sentiments but...

I don't see a place for Police involvement in pitch affairs except under extreme circumstance. Where would that end? The three tackles we are currently exercised about were bad but not "extreme circumstances". Intent was not crystal clear in any of the cases, nor provable in law, although most of us are suspicious about at least one. It's up to the football authorities to police the situation. Granted, they haven't done that very well in the last fortnight but the point holds. I think the club should kick up more fuss about the inconsistency.

The Keane incident was altogether more serious and clear cut. In view of his own admission, I was disappointed that neither Haaland nor MCFC didn't sue privately for damages.
Yeah, Plod should be called onto the pitch whenever there’s a harsh tackle or an alleged racial insult. We can stop the game while they review the evidence. This is definitely the way forward.
No, not for every harsh tackle. This is how an opinion gets distorted and blown out of proportion. I'm talking about the Keane level stuff where there's intent to cause injury.
That’s the original video (OG) I posted to begin the discussion.

I should probably post it throughout the first week or so of the thread to keep it “stuck”, though.

Football Focus just showed the legbreaker on Gundogan in real time in a highlights segment. It gets worse the more times you see it.
I am fairly certain there still won’t be an retrospective action against Murphy.

Not that it would help us now, anyway. That is exactly why in game punishment needs to actually happen, otherwise you are just advantaging teams to follow, not the wronged team.

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