Playing Organized Footy for the first time next fall


Well-Known Member
29 Oct 2010
my heart is at eastlands!
...Or soccer as its called in these parts. What should I expect? The one thing I'm concerned about is running. I could probably handle games but if I have to run really long distances during practice I'm well fucked. Any tips? I figure if I get help from a brit I'll have an advantage over my American opponents.
KansasCITY said:
I said I wanted to play football, not open beer bottles with my eyes.
haha, good arrow!
I was always very shit at football, there's no 2 ways of putting it! 5-a-side I was genius at, even if I say so myself, however 11-a-side I was pants! I had no idea of positional play, despite knowing my shit when it came to watching football as a fan. I would wander, stray out of position and all in all make a fool of myself! Gave up in the end. 5-a-side though, I was known as the Le Tissier of 5-a-side at work. No idea why I was good at one, but sucked eggs at the other!
What position do you play?
Pigeonho said:
KansasCITY said:
I said I wanted to play football, not open beer bottles with my eyes.
haha, good arrow!
I was always very shit at football, there's no 2 ways of putting it! 5-a-side I was genius at, even if I say so myself, however 11-a-side I was pants! I had no idea of positional play, despite knowing my shit when it came to watching football as a fan. I would wander, stray out of position and all in all make a fool of myself! Gave up in the end. 5-a-side though, I was known as the Le Tissier of 5-a-side at work. No idea why I was good at one, but sucked eggs at the other!
What position do you play?

I don't even know. I feel like I might be a good holding midfielder, like silva, but then as I'm a bit of a slow runner I might be better off the ball, as a defender. And I havn't even tried my hand at keeper yet. I'll probably end up being a defender, the more I think about it. Good at longballing it up and my cross is shite so...
KansasCITY said:
I don't even know. I feel like I might be a good holding midfielder, like silva, but then as I'm a bit of a slow runner I might be better off the ball, as a defender. And I havn't even tried my hand at keeper yet. I'll probably end up being a defender, the more I think about it. Good at longballing it up and my cross is shite so...
KansasCITY said:
...Or soccer as its called in these parts. What should I expect? The one thing I'm concerned about is running. I could probably handle games but if I have to run really long distances during practice I'm well fucked. Any tips? I figure if I get help from a brit I'll have an advantage over my American opponents.

Bit of a problem that tbh. Youre right in one thing though - in amatuer football the defenders run a lot less than midfield or forwards usually (not many wingbacks as if someone can play on the wing they'll end up up front.) If your big then go centreback, if not go full back playing on side at which youre footed. If youre really crap at running - get in nets.

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