Playing Organized Footy for the first time next fall

Anywhere in Midfield in amateur football involves a lot more running than you would see in the pro game, you won't get the time and space on the ball that you see players like Silva, De Jong and Barry get as you won't have the technical ability (i'm guessing) to set yourself up in a position to move immediately into space like these players do... Lets be honest, you're probably still quicker than Barry but he is technically excellant at shaping his body

Best advice is go CB if you have a good reading of the game as you can drop off, see whats happening and then move into the game when you know you will get the ball, or full back where you will just be able to stay out of the way

Good luck
I'd say the most important thing you can do right now, is to get yourself in shape over the Summer. Otherwise, you frankly won't cut it. Football requires a LOT of running. If you're unfit now, you've got plenty of time over the next few months to get yourself fit. Try running 3 times a week. Start off with really short runs (10-20 minutes) and gradually build up. That will make a huge difference to your performance, and your well-being in general!
just run your arse off and put in the effort usually does the trick in amateur football.

If you are a defender just know who you are marking, if your tall then try and get your head on the ball as much as you can. Depending how the pitches are in america it's probably best to just humph the ball up to the strikers until you get a bit more confident with passing and taking people on. Pitches can be shit and make it hard to do this.
To play full back you need to -

1. Get between the winger and the goal - force him to go down the wing and then block the cross.
2. Don't dive in and make it easy for him just stay tight and force him to make the decision - he's a forward so 9 times out of 10 it will be the wrong one.
3. When you are in possession of the ball you have 3 options
a. pass down the line to your wide man
b. a pass inside to your midfield
c. knock it over the top for the forwards to run on to
when in doubt choose option c
4. Learn to head a ball
5. Choose your forward runs with care and don't get caught out of position - you are first and foremost a defender (Glenn Johnson please take note)
Best thing to do is get fit because unless you're in net you will so a lot of running, and the players with the best fitness will always be needed. Even if you're playing in net you will need to have a burst of pace to cover up to about 20-25 yards.

My advice is play everywhere in training and eventually you will find a fit or your manager will. Or you will end up like me and be able to play anywhere (I'm a keeper atm but play outfield as well)

Good luck and keep us posted on how you get on
Cheers all. Bit busy with baseball right now so can't really practice on football but during the summer will defo be working on everything. Thanks so much all of you. This should help a lot.
If your not to fit and fast at running but can head a ball,central
defence is a good option.Has most amateur football tactics are about
launching the ball up field has far has possible your main task will
be to clear the ball with your head.

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