poker losses


Well-Known Member
16 Apr 2010
chasing ozil on gareth barrys back
hi bought 40 pounds on pkr site to play poker.anyway after a couple of days i had
385 dollars i thought yeh i can make a living at this lol.i didnt play then for a couple of started back playing on sunday night. i was playing two tables at once and had 385 dollars in the bank and 100 dollars on one table and 200 dollars on the other table i thought yes something i enjoy and can make money at as well lol.
anyway next thing its 6.30 am i have no money left and am gutted lost the lot in one night. so the next day i bought some more and more and more!.
well to cut a long story short i lost about 800 dollars on pkr then they said i had reached my limit on pkr and i couldnt buy anymore credit.
i was like a crackhead i needed to play to get my money back! i then joined ladbrokes and lost another 500 pounds i was proper gutted i dont even work!
and i dont even consider myself a gambler but got caught up in it all.
i know 1000 pounds isnt a lot to some guys on here but to not leave your house and spend a thousand pounds i think is ludicrous!and the sad thing is i still would like to play even though i took a bit of a battering!.i feel really silly about spending that amount as i would never spend that on myself designer clothes etc. please discuss?
Steer well clear mate. Although i have many vices and don't claim to be a good boy, gambling is the one i steer clear of. I've seen the destruction that it causes with friends and family.

A lad i used to work with was so bad he used to bet which of the 2 lifts at work would reach the top/bottom depending which way they were going with anyone who'd take the bet.

Went on a coach trip once to York races from work and he'd won a couple of grand before it started disappearing again. We had to physically take the money from his pockets to stop him gambling again and gave it him when we got home.
1_barry_conlon said:
Steer well clear mate. Although i have many vices and don't claim to be a good boy, gambling is the one i steer clear of. I've seen the destruction that it causes with friends and family.

A lad i used to work with was so bad he used to bet which of the 2 lifts at work would reach the top/bottom depending which way they were going with anyone who'd take the bet.

Went on a coach trip once to York races from work and he'd won a couple of grand before it started disappearing again. We had to physically take the money from his pockets to stop him gambling again and gave it him when we got home.

Wise words, you either have a natural ability at poker or you don't.
Bought in on pacific poker for 100 dollars in 2008, never had to rebuy and have earned well over 5 figures in that time, its about finding the game that suits you to be honest. 888 do double or nothing formats with 8 players, top 4 get paid, great odds and to be honest helen keller could get paid at them.
Bez your bankroll management was fucking shocking. You should only buy in for 1 Percent of your BR. Because bad beats and shit happens. Top players dont put all there eggs in one basket.

Have a butchers at this, it will give you a decent Idea.<br /><br />-- Sun Sep 26, 2010 2:42 pm --<br /><br />And like Zimmer said Double ups are a great way to start out. Personally I hate online poker, too many fish hitting and not respecting your raises. And the software always gives 2 people pockets alot! Live is well better.
thanks for the advice guys much appreciated.

i knew i was playing bad though going for hands with hardly any outs etc.

plus i dont have much patience anyway.and i think poker is a marathon and not a sprint something i didnt get to grips with when i was chasing my losses.

i just thought because i got up off 40 pounds to 385 dollars that i could do it again
and quickly. how silly i was ,if it was that easy we would all be at home earning a wage off gambling now would'nt we!. :^(
Bez rather than take the advice on how to gamble I'd consider steering well clear, it sounds like you have an addictive personality mate, don't gamble what you cant afford to lose.
Zin 'messiah' Zimmer said:
1_barry_conlon said:
Steer well clear mate. Although i have many vices and don't claim to be a good boy, gambling is the one i steer clear of. I've seen the destruction that it causes with friends and family.

A lad i used to work with was so bad he used to bet which of the 2 lifts at work would reach the top/bottom depending which way they were going with anyone who'd take the bet.

Went on a coach trip once to York races from work and he'd won a couple of grand before it started disappearing again. We had to physically take the money from his pockets to stop him gambling again and gave it him when we got home.

Wise words, you either have a natural ability at poker or you don't.
Bought in on pacific poker for 100 dollars in 2008, never had to rebuy and have earned well over 5 figures in that time, its about finding the game that suits you to be honest. 888 do double or nothing formats with 8 players, top 4 get paid, great odds and to be honest helen keller could get paid at them.

Listen to Barry muppett...we are never gettin a joint account :)
Like scotty said bankroll management is required and double or nothings are a good way to build a decent bankroll. There are also plenty of sites out there like or bankrollmob that will give you free money to start your bankroll if you can't afford to put your own money in. If you can afford to open up your own account and plan to to play a lot then get a rakeback account. Bankrollmob have got a good deal on at the mo on a site called playersonly which is a very good american site, you get 5000 VIP points which are worth $50, you can use these points to buy into MTT's which have a guaranteed payout, like $2000 guaranteed, and the amount of people that register for these type of games range from 20-200 so they really are good value. have a 20 questions you need to answer to get free money, which TBH are pretty basic and all the answers are in a strategy article you read and can keep open whilst doing the quiz. Bankroll management is basically not buying in any game for more than 5% of your bankroll. PM me if you need any help.
I don't play much now, but last year (at age 18) I won/ cashed in some decent tournaments and built >$3.5k from $150.

It's so addictive.. but it is so easy to lose it all if you are impatient. I went from SnG/MTT's to cash one week, was playing at a level that was way too high for me. Anyway, I won a hand or two, got to my peak of $3.5k.. then a couple of bad beats - "fck, I can win that back if I play another few hands at the next level"... and you're down to $500.


AA, $2.1k pot... beaten by something like 7Js.

I put in a steep re-raise pre-flop, he shoved. Ridiculous. :(

I still have nightmares about that session now...

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