Pope John Paul II, performing miracles after death..

malg said:
Have absolutely no idea why this would worry people on here. I don't believe in any of the shit either, but if it helps a lot of people live their lives then crack on.

I know what you mean, live and let live and all that but if any other profession in the world tried to impose these ludicrous fairy tales upon anybody else they would not be allowed to practise.
The catholic church could perform hundreds of miracles a day..all they have to do is let poor African folk have condoms.

This will stop many catching aids and prevent unwanted children starving in famines..
MCFC-alan88 said:
mackenzie said:
pominoz said:
If monster Teresa can get a sainthood, why not Johnny boy?
They all shit in the same pot.

You really believe that Mother Teresa was a 'monster??'

Good grief.

Letting people rot away and die when medicine is readily available so she can claim she is "helping people" damn right she was a monster.

So this woman gave up every materialistic thing she ever had or ever owned and lived in squalor just to claim that she was helping people?

Get a fucking grip.

Try it if you think it's easy or potentially manipulative to what you want.
mackenzie said:
MCFC-alan88 said:
mackenzie said:
You really believe that Mother Teresa was a 'monster??'

Good grief.

Letting people rot away and die when medicine is readily available so she can claim she is "helping people" damn right she was a monster.

So this woman gave up every materialistic thing she ever had or ever owned and lived in squalor just to claim that she was helping people?

Get a fucking grip.

Try it if you think it's easy or potentially manipulative to what you want.

Hitchens and Stern have said Mother Teresa did not focus donated money on alleviating poverty or improving the conditions of her hospices, but on opening new convents and increasing missionary work.[91] Mother Teresa accepted donations from the autocratic and corrupt Duvalier family in Haiti and openly praised them. She accepted $1.25 million from Charles Keating, involved in the fraud and corruption scheme known as the Keating Five scandal. The Deputy District Attorney for Los Angeles, Paul Turley, wrote to Mother Teresa asking her to return the donated money to the people Keating had stolen from, one of whom was "a poor carpenter". The donated money was not accounted for, and Turley did not receive a reply.

Virtuous woman. Squalor indeed.
CTID1988 said:
He is to become a saint after performing 2 miracles, one of which after he died....

Its all well and good laughing at it, but does it not worry people that in the year 2013 people still believe this shite, especially with people as powerful and influential as the fellas in the Vatican pushing it? Its honestly baffles me.
How can these people not look at themselves and realise they are talking absolute guff.

The bit i dont understand is "For a healing to be officially certified as a miracle, the occurrence must be permanent, instantaneous and have no scientific explanation" ... Would that not rule out them all then as they are all made up bollocks?

<a class="postlink" href="http://news.sky.com/story/1110665/pope-john-paul-ii-to-become-a-saint" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://news.sky.com/story/1110665/pope- ... me-a-saint</a>

The late John Paul II is to be honoured with a sainthood after performing two confirmed miracles - despite them both taking place after he had died.

This latest miracle has only just been confirmed by the Vatican congregation in charge of examining candidates for sainthoods, and now all that is needed for the sainthood to be confirmed is a papal signature.

It is expected that the canonisation of the former pope will take place in December this year.

All of the details regarding the latest miracle have not been released by the Vatican. However, they have disclosed that it was the healing of a woman that took place on the same day that John Paul II was beatified on May 1, 2011.

Vatican sources have said that the miracle would "amaze the world", according to a report by Italian news agency Ansa.

The first miracle was the healing of a French nun, named Sister Marie Simon-Pierre, in 2005. She recovered from Parkinson's Disease after praying to the late pope.

It has been suggested that Sister Marie did not actually have Parkinson's Disease, as it would have required a medical autopsy to validate the claim.

She met reporters and in response to the dispute said: "I was sick and now I am cured. I am cured, but it is up to the church to say whether it was a miracle or not."

There was also talk of Sister Marie going into relapse, which would have thrown John Paul II's sainthood into disrepute, but the Episcopal Conference of France claimed that this was nothing more than a rumour.

For a healing to be officially certified as a miracle, the occurrence must be permanent, instantaneous and have no scientific explanation.

Over his 27-year papacy, the former pope was extremely popular. Some of his followers had been calling for a sainthood since his death in 2005, with many mourners shouting "Santo subito!" ("Sainthood now!") at his funeral service.

The Vatican is now waiting for a written decree, signed by Pope Francis, to confirm John Paul II's canonisation. Only then will an official sainthood date be released.

It means he was a Primal Scream fan.
From the five pages so far, I'm guessing the world of BM isn't enamoured by the claims of miracle? More like some demented old bird ranting that she is the first ever person to be 'cured' of the degenerative brain condition, Parkinson's Disease? And happens to be Catholic? And has attributed it to a Polish chap, who has been dead for some time, who wore the white suit prior to the Nazi?

You'll be telling me next that AIDS is spread by the use of condoms?

And that wanking is a sin?

I really,really hope she develops Alzheimer's, then we'll see just how miraculous the church is....
MCFC-alan88 said:
mackenzie said:
MCFC-alan88 said:
Letting people rot away and die when medicine is readily available so she can claim she is "helping people" damn right she was a monster.

So this woman gave up every materialistic thing she ever had or ever owned and lived in squalor just to claim that she was helping people?

Get a fucking grip.

Try it if you think it's easy or potentially manipulative to what you want.

Hitchens and Stern have said Mother Teresa did not focus donated money on alleviating poverty or improving the conditions of her hospices, but on opening new convents and increasing missionary work.[91] Mother Teresa accepted donations from the autocratic and corrupt Duvalier family in Haiti and openly praised them. She accepted $1.25 million from Charles Keating, involved in the fraud and corruption scheme known as the Keating Five scandal. The Deputy District Attorney for Los Angeles, Paul Turley, wrote to Mother Teresa asking her to return the donated money to the people Keating had stolen from, one of whom was "a poor carpenter". The donated money was not accounted for, and Turley did not receive a reply.

Virtuous woman. Squalor indeed.

Is that the best you can do?

The woman did so much for the poor and the suffering and it was recognised in her lifetime. If you find fault with anything she did then fair enough, but to say she was a 'monster' is beyond reasoning to me.
york away to this! said:
old nun felt a bit poorly, prayed to pope, felt better again...

IT'S A MIRACLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Guy in CBL3, turns to his mate and sez "Trevor, it's 67 mins and we're losing 2-1! Trevor, it's 87 mins and we're losing 2-1. We need a miracle." Quick prayer to St. Jude and bugger me with raw carrot, five mins later we win 3-2. Oh ye of little faith! It was a miracle after a prayer to the patron saint of lost causes and we win the title. The first in 44 years. (Two miracles in two consecutive seasons is stretching the miracles a little bit!)
mackenzie said:
Is that the best you can do?

The woman did so much for the poor and the suffering and it was recognised in her lifetime. If you find fault with anything she did then fair enough, but to say she was a 'monster' is beyond reasoning to me.

She made hell holes for people to go and die in, even of the most basic of illnesses. There was no care for the "poor and suffering", they didn't get beds, they didn't get clean sheets. Dozens to each room left to rot away whilst she courted the world as a saint, having the ear and absolving the sins of presidents and dictators alike.

If being given funds to help people, only to let them die of curable illness doesn't make her a monster, what does it take?
Hamann Pineapple said:
malg said:
Have absolutely no idea why this would worry people on here. I don't believe in any of the shit either, but if it helps a lot of people live their lives then crack on.

I know what you mean, live and let live and all that but if any other profession in the world tried to impose these ludicrous fairy tales upon anybody else they would not be allowed to practise.

Forget the fairy tales and claims of miracles this guy protected hundreds if not thousands of child abusers.He allowed priests move from parish to parish and continue their vile acts,under his rule obstruction of law was the way the church dealt with the vast majority of complaints against priests.Now they want to make a hero of him it is sickening and the sheep will love him for it.He should be consigned to history as a revolting and cowardly figurehead but no the cultists want to make him a saint,any religious person should be horrified by these events.
If it was any other organisation they would not be allowed operate in decent society,he and his ilk would be reviled but he will now be revered.When he is cannonised the faithful will pray for this protector of fiends and degenerates.For shame,for shame.

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