
Prisons suffered from privatisation, most of HMP sold off portions years ago, this allows for manipulation of figures pertaining to 'cost' and 'incarceration numbers' ... As stated above, this was pointed out some 10 years ago under the war crime enthusiast..

My brother has worked in the prison system for 20 years, what the public is exposed to and actually fed, is two different stories..

Spot on.

The staff don't get enough respect IMHO. My grandad was a warden at Strangeways when times were much different.

A top guy I used to play bandminton with hung himself within a year of being layed off from the prison service. Nobody knows the real reason but i think he felt he had given great service, only to be dumped when cuts were being made.
Ok, main reason why I started th is topic is because for a bit now I've been thinking of going down this route as a career.
There is a recruitment drive, many people leaving the job, I see this as an opportunity to gain more stable employment.

It seems however there are many risks such as the rate in which prison officers are attacked.

Not many people would want to work in a prison but I don't have much options in terms career wise.
I have experience in security sector, no criminal record, this is why I'm interested in working in prisons.
Are you confident they can guarantee your safety? The fact that so many people are leaving the sector is probably evidence that the working conditions are fucking awful. In an ordinary job, cuts might mean being stressed due to too much work. In a prison, it might mean getting hurt because there aren't enough staff to handle the prisoners.
Are you confident they can guarantee your safety? The fact that so many people are leaving the sector is probably evidence that the working conditions are fucking awful. In an ordinary job, cuts might mean being stressed due to too much work. In a prison, it might mean getting hurt because there aren't enough staff to handle the prisoners.
I'm not confident no, which is why I've been weighing it up, looking more into the prison system over here.

Desperate times. I need work and stacking shelves at Tesco ain't my thing
There's been a lot of talk recently about prison reforms, with Govt. White papers released on measures they may take to reform our prison service.
For a few years I've come across video footage of inside our prisons, showing fights, drug abuse and so on.
Recently this kind of footage was shown in a C4 documentary.

It seems the prisons are understaffed, with little to no prisoner rehabilitation as evidenced with prisoners more likely to re-offend within the first year of leaving prison.

So, what should be done to stop this rot?

For me it seems the system fails people from the day of birth, with many prisoners being in the care system from a young age, with poor education and so on.
Many prisoners deserve to be inside such as pedos/rapists but many are regular thieves who do petty crime such as shoplifting.
These runts wouldn't be doing this if the drugs they desired were much cheaper.
They would be cheaper if they weren't on the black market which is why I would propose legalising all drugs, taxing it, offering prescriptions/medical exemption registrar for people using these substances and a big investment in drug rehabilitation.

If someone is getting their Heroin on prescription, or can buy their spice cheap from a licensed store which contributes to the tax system.... Rather than paying double to some vermin gangs - they are less likely to commit crime in order to feed their habits.

And if they wanted to come off the drugs they wouldn't be convicted and punished for taking the drugs, but treated like someone who is medically ill.

This would be far far more effective than what we currently have... Legalise it all.

And if you disagree, just take 5min and stand around Piccadilly gardens before/after your city match visit and tell me that drug dealing isn't already widely accepted in our community.

Tax these rats and let the money roll in.

I agree with you. And I want to thank you on a thoughtful and thought provoking post.

Personally I go a stage or three further than you. It is my absolute belief that the drug scourge is one at best facilitated by and at worst created by successive governments in this and other countries in order to keep the immigrant and indigent working class and poor "down"

Have a look around some of our most deprived areas. You will see dealing prevalent in full view of the law. On street corners, in pubs, in public places. The authorities pay lip service to dealing with it.

Then have a walk around gatley or Alderney edge. Try and imagine how long a street corner dealer would last round there before 17 police cars swooped on him.

And ask yourself how is it so easy in this age of constant surveillance, and X-ray scanners at ports of entry to get the drugs into the country in such huge quantity?

If this or previous governments wanted to end the flow of drugs they could do so in an afternoon.

Post taliban (ie post "liberation") poppy production in Afghanistan went through the roof. And it all ended up as heroin in some of the poorest areas of our and other western nations. I wonder why? I also wonder why the troops didn't eradicate the poppy fields ?

Sorry if I have derailed your thread.
You have to get to the bottom of the issue, why do people get into a lifestyle that can lead to prison?

In my circle of friends some f which i have known for over 30 years not one of us has had any trouble with the police let alone the courts, some people are drawn to the darker side and it appears to me that this is from a very early age. We have many many problems as a society and we don't give the correct support to the right people at the right time.

Not claiming that everyone can be put on the right path but we should be able to do more than we currently do.
I agree with you. And I want to thank you on a thoughtful and thought provoking post.

Personally I go a stage or three further than you. It is my absolute belief that the drug scourge is one at best facilitated by and at worst created by successive governments in this and other countries in order to keep the immigrant and indigent working class and poor "down"

Have a look around some of our most deprived areas. You will see dealing prevalent in full view of the law. On street corners, in pubs, in public places. The authorities pay lip service to dealing with it.

Then have a walk around gatley or Alderney edge. Try and imagine how long a street corner dealer would last round there before 17 police cars swooped on him.

And ask yourself how is it so easy in this age of constant surveillance, and X-ray scanners at ports of entry to get the drugs into the country in such huge quantity?

If this or previous governments wanted to end the flow of drugs they could do so in an afternoon.

Post taliban (ie post "liberation") poppy production in Afghanistan went through the roof. And it all ended up as heroin in some of the poorest areas of our and other western nations. I wonder why? I also wonder why the troops didn't eradicate the poppy fields ?

Sorry if I have derailed your thread.

I know why we didn't burn the poppy fields, orders from high up were made, those lower had to follow them with the reasoning that... We needed to be onside with locals and this was their livelyhood. I get we needed locals onside but they were never going to be fully onside as they knew we would leave soon and they would be fucked then. The wishy washy reasoning imo lends credit to your idea that some would not be to arsed about hard drugs flooding the country.
I think anyone who's been convicted of rape or noncing should be chemically castrated. That would solve a big problem.
I think we ought to try all the principles of privatisation to the shenanigans that passes for government at Westminster - value for the taxpayer, American corporations running the show, minimum personnel, minimum wage for the 'workers'. I'm sure it would be a massive 'improvement' on what we have now. Or, alternatively, we could have all the public services funded to the extent that we fund our right honourable friends.

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