
If offenders aren't educated inside and helped to move on outside then they will reoffend. They'll know nothing else.
A huge mistake was made when they reformed the service and stopped recruiting ex servicemen and women, they then naively tried the nicely nicely approach with the rehabilitation of inmates which has totally backfired.

Since then they offered voluntary redundancies to cut the service to the bone in which all the experienced officers along with most of the ex servicemen took in a heartbeat knowing the direction it was going. You're now left with all the shit and have lost the discipline the environment requires, they have recruitment drives every so often for people leaving college or want to get to the top via fast track and then look like rabbits in the headlights when reality kicks in when they hit the landings, the system is fucked.

The penny is dropping though and they're looking to go back and start recruiting ex servicemen and women again but it'll take a decade to get it back again, but in the process they've lost some very good officers through cut backs and wasted huge amounts of tax payers money paying them out only to realise the error in their ways and gone full circle.

Whoever makes these decisions should be accountable for them, any other walk of life or business would but these fuckers are probably sunning themselves on a beach somewhere?
Are all inmates deranged killers? No. Lots of crime like fraud or deception being committed too. You can be jailed for refusing to pay council tax. Many inside are victims themselves.

Stephen Fry has served time.
Other than removing criminals from wider society, prison serves little other useful purpose imo. They are breeding grounds for further criminality both before and following release.

A minorty of offenders are a simply a menace to others and dangerous and need to be removed from society until they cease to be so. For the rest, imprisonment should be a last resort, when all other means have failed. Technological advancements will see the form and substance of criminal punishment change in the next generation imo. It will involve a further ratcheting up of the surveillance society we live in, but I expect derivation of liberty for most offenders will mean something very different in a couple of decades, with home curfews and work in the community being the norm.

I believe the issue relating to drugs will be addressed in that time too imo. The current legal position simply isn't working and needs to be looked at in a forthright and honest fashion.

Agree entirely GDM. But I only have to look to a crime and punishment analogy from my generation to my children's for evidence of this.
When I was being punished for some minor indiscretion (usually smoking and / or drinking) I was grounded and cut off from my friends.
Now, as a parent, when I need to enforce acceptable boundaries with my children I cut them off from their friends my confiscating their mobiles / tablets / Internet access.
Society will do similar and fit the punishment to the crime. Prison does, in my view, cause more harm than good for certain personalities and simply facilitates increasingly unacceptable behaviours.
Look at other prison systems around the world and take the best and emulate it. I.E. Norways.

Lots of people will hate it for being "soft" but it's proven to work.

Personally I would also legalise all drugs and tax and monitor strength of them, making class a nhs only to target people with real problems. Fixing drug problems and dealers in one swoop.
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Agree entirely GDM. But I only have to look to a crime and punishment analogy from my generation to my children's for evidence of this.
When I was being punished for some minor indiscretion (usually smoking and / or drinking) I was grounded and cut off from my friends.
Now, as a parent, when I need to enforce acceptable boundaries with my children I cut them off from their friends my confiscating their mobiles / tablets / Internet access.
Society will do similar and fit the punishment to the crime. Prison does, in my view, cause more harm than good for certain personalities and simply facilitates increasingly unacceptable behaviours.
Your parents were soft, I got
Flat of a knife across the back of the legs
Nettles across the back of the legs
Wooden spoon round the head

In that order.
Your parents were soft, I got
Flat of a knife across the back of the legs
Nettles across the back of the legs
Wooden spoon round the head

In that order.

In retrospect my parents were quite liberal but it didn't feel that way at the time. Strange how they let their grandchildren get away with more than I could...

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