
In retrospect my parents were quite liberal but it didn't feel that way at the time. Strange how they let their grandchildren get away with more than I could...
All grandparents are like that, my mother spoils my lot and we walked on eggshells around her as kids.
On one hand I see the point of legalizing drugs but what drugs? Marijuana ok as people get criminal convictions for something that equates to a 6 pack of beer but heroin? I don't think that should or ever will be legalised so there will always be a black market.

Drug use in prison is partly to dull the experience and partly to kill the time. Those are easier root causes to deal with.

As far as criminals re-offending.. a part of that is lack of job opportunities after being released. What are the ranges of skills that can be learned in prison and used after prison? I'm not sure if people would be happy to employ them but there may be government schemes that can be implemented at a far lesser cost that what it is to keep 1 prisoner locked up for a year.

Sure this seems like liberal molly coddling but locking them up for extended periods of time hasn't worked.
In retrospect my parents were quite liberal but it didn't feel that way at the time. Strange how they let their grandchildren get away with more than I could...

You should see the shit I let mine get away with. Tbf though, my actions as a grandfather are in the large driven by how my daughter wants to bring up her kids. I've mentioned on here before how I think her parenting is far superior to ours, so I am more than happy follow her lead. Within reason of course, we are grandparents and a certain amount of spoiling is expected. I'm also keen not to make the same mistakes her grandparents made. They were perfect as far as she was concerned, but then she was on the receiving end of their love. But, when you've done a few months overtime to save up for the things your kids really want for Christmas, only to find your in-laws have bought them as an afterthought, things can get a bit tense. Admittedly it wasn't as bad as coming home from work to find my 18 month old son in a rag shirt, but that's another tale.
The fact is Prison does not work .so many vunerable people are in there being bullied abused and exploited by hardend gang members and experiend criminals.since the large mental hospitals were shut down and not replaced .people with mental health issues by and large are left to rot in the prison system.massive reforms are needed but there is niether the will or the mmoney to do what is needed
Other than removing criminals from wider society, prison serves little other useful purpose imo. They are breeding grounds for further criminality both before and following release.

A minorty of offenders are a simply a menace to others and dangerous and need to be removed from society until they cease to be so. For the rest, imprisonment should be a last resort, when all other means have failed. Technological advancements will see the form and substance of criminal punishment change in the next generation imo. It will involve a further ratcheting up of the surveillance society we live in, but I expect derivation of liberty for most offenders will mean something very different in a couple of decades, with home curfews and work in the community being the norm.

I believe the issue relating to drugs will be addressed in that time too imo. The current legal position simply isn't working and needs to be looked at in a forthright and honest fashion.

I was under the impression that was what prisons were invented for.
The removal of the anti social element that misbehave in the company of their opposite number.
Prisons try desperately to rehabilitate offenders and much money is spent in achieving this aim and yet most continue to re offend.

My lord if I may, my client would like to ask that a further 157 offences lie of file. How many chances do these people want. Prisons are overcrowded and so prison is seen as a last resort in our society.
Curfews, slapped wrists and working for the community.

I would like to advocate a prison brick tax for all our populace and get some serious places of incarceration built.
Lock them up and society is protected. If you reoffend then we will lock you up for longer until you learn to behave or make the place your home.

Having said that for those who wish to tune in rehabilitation and assistance to assist along the way should be continue to be offered with serious money channeled into doing this.

Protection of the public followed by rehabilitation of the offender if possible with more modern prisons built to curb the delinquent mind. As we speak I hear the roar of buses and motor cars outside my window offering conveyance of the law abiding hamsters about to spin on the wheel of life for 8 hours.You want something in life then work for it or pay the consequence. Its not being draconian but applying common sense and above else the protection of our society

There will be many on here that mention social problems deprivation and living conditions which are the breeding grounds for crime and so the rehabilitation of offenders thread is borne.
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I was under the impresssion that was what prisons were invented for.
The removal of the anti social element that misbehave in the company of their opposite number.
Prisons try desperatly to rehablitate offenders and much money is spent in acheiving this aim and yet most still continue to re offend.
My lord if I may my client would like to ask that a further 157 offences lie of file.
How many chances do these people want.Prisons are overcrowded and so prison is seen as a last resort in our society.
Curfews,splapped wrists and working for the community.

I would like to advocate a prison brick tax for all our populace and get some serious places of incaceration built.
Lock them up and society is protected.
If you reoffend Mr Jaspero then we will lock you up for longer until you learn to behave or make the place your home.
Having said that for those who wish to tune in rehabilitation and assistance to assist along the way should be continue to be offered with serious money channeled into doing this.

Protection of the public followed by rehabilitation of the offender if possible with more modern prisons built to curb the deliquant mind.
As we speak I hear the roar of buses and motor cars outside my window roaring into life offering the conveyance of law abiding hamsters about to spin on the wheel of life for 8 hours.
You want something in life then work for it or pay the consequence.
Its not being draconian but appling common sense and above else the protection of our society

There will be many on here that will mention social problems deprivation and living conditions and in that respect I agree remain the breeding grounds for crime.The rehabilitation of offenders thread is borne.

However for the prison thread I have my weekly £2 prison building brick tax money ready for collection.
They are currently undertaking a prison building programme of sorts; that is to house the increasing number of elderly offenders who've been found guilty of historical sexual offences, who have fairly exacting needs, given their age and likely infirmity. I'd lay a pound to a pinch of shit that the average age of our prison population has risen significantly in the last five years and will continue to do so.

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