
Well it is proper paper to wipe your ass on...

A less liberal approach is needed with these scrotes, no doubt.
Throw em all in Syria let them fight ISIL, hopefully they get killed by ISIL.
Much cheaper.

Seeing the article it mentions a guy who smashed up a few banks and with my Mrs currently working in one, and may one day be robbed... I'd personally go and do time and try to get in the same prison just to find the **** if they ever hurt her from seeing the kind of "punishment" this bank thief is getting.
I'm with you.
Every cell has cctv, motion sensors, guards with guns.
Thats how we should be set up over here.
Zero Tolerance.

Want to rehabilitate?
Prove it. Then once proven you are taught how to kill ISIL.

Once the sentence is complete you're shipped to Syria (or wherever there is conflict)

There would be no need for Bobbies on the beat
I'm with you.
Every cell has cctv, motion sensors, guards with guns.
Thats how we should be set up over here.
Zero Tolerance.

Want to rehabilitate?
Prove it. Then once proven you are taught how to kill ISIL.
Once the sentence is complete you're shipped to Syria
(or wherever there is conflict)
There would be no need for Bobbies on the beat

I think we could make this work.

My logic behind it is the fact that it would kill 99% of the black market over night. It would significantly reduce petty crime/muggings to pay for those drugs, it would allow a lot of users to be able to get the help they need and to help turn them into productive members of society, it would generate tax revenue, It would result in fewer deaths related to users being poisoned by unknown strenghts of the drugs and them being cut with crap, and it would take a lot of pressure off of the prison system to allow them to deal with harder criminals.

I would be more worried about it becoming more acceptable to shoot up on a night out and it leading to higher numbers of people being dependent on hard drugs. Thats not a price I'm willing to pay to have more tax revenue and to reduce deaths you can offer free testing kits in pharmacies. I believe that in Amsterdam there are a few locations that you can buy a kit for a euro or two to test the drugs you purchased on the street. We could do something similar here and if a bad batch is found then the people that report it and go on about their lives with no fear of the legal system coming down on them for buying a small bag of drugs.

I see what you are trying to get at with the legalization and its not a terrible idea but at the minute heroin is seen in a very negative light and I wouldn't be too quick to try to change that as it is quicker, easier and cheaper to get high than get drunk and that would appeal to a lot of teenagers.
Is this a debate about prisons, or about drugs?

I agree entirely that we should attempt as much as possible to bring drug use under supervised control, within the law. If heroin addicts could go to a clinic to get a free - or cheap - fix with quality controlled drugs, and no risk of HIV or infection etc, it would pretty much kill of the illegal drugs trade and a HUGE number of people currently in prison would not ever have needed to be there.

My cousin is a heroine addict and has been in and out of prison pretty much all his adult life because try as he has many times, he simply cannot get himself off the evil stuff. His life is ruined, as was that of his poor mum (sadly now passed) who eventually had to disown him and not let him in the house for fear of him stealing from her again. I know in the context of that it seems odd to say he's a nice guy, but genuinely underneath it all, he is. He just got in with the wrong crowd and did some stupid things and the rest is history. Doubtless he'll die of the stuff sooner or later - he's late 40's now and homeless. Anything we could do to bring this under control would get my vote.

Aren't you making the assumption thar the state will provide "enough" drugs to satisfy the addict's craving? Whereas for many addicts there will never be enough drugs, just an increasing addiction.
Aren't you making the assumption thar the state will provide "enough" drugs to satisfy the addict's craving? Whereas for many addicts there will never be enough drugs, just an increasing addiction.

I don't know mate - I'm not a doctor and would have to leave that stuff to the experts. I would imagine that in return for free, high-quality heroin the quid-pro-quo would be the addict would have to take administered doses in some kind of supervised way and agree to a program that tries to get them off it, or at least keep it under control. Perhaps not everyone would sign up and I'm sure it would not work in all cases. But surely a large proportion of addicts would want to take part. I know for sure, my cousin was *desperate* to get off the stuff and hated himself for his burgling, stealing, robbing etc. I would image many feel the same. I can't think that many prozzies do what they do because they like doing it, for example.

From a laymans perspective (i.e. mine), it seems to me that the harm the drug itself does, is relatively minor compared to the harm that goes with it. i.e. becoming homeless, the crap mixed in with it that you end up injecting, the stealing, prostituiion, gang wars, prison overcrowding etc. When heroin was legal some decades ago, many heroin addicts were able to lead relatively normal lives.

Anything must be better than the status quo at the moment.
No wonder a large proportion reoffend.

Fish and chips bob hope and the ordering of takeaways ?
They even do home brew !

Its all her in todays online Mail which incidently is a right rivveting read.
Its a proper paper with big words in it so be careful Cellarites.
Not like them comics you get at the Sun Star and Mirror

Here we go ..

Strange that.......from your previous posts I would never have guessed you were a Daily Fail reader
Im all for legalising drugs and not necessarily them becoming socially acceptable in that you'll see football teams splashed with adverts for Cocaine on their shirts or TV advertising for Heroin.

It would ideally be controlled prescription based and pharmacies could have facilities for users to inject.
As for cocaine, again on prescription and with regular checkups on managing patients addictions.

This for me would take out the whole "Rebellious" element of the drugs which are often labelled as "street" drugs.
Taking out this "cool" element, being honest and open with these drugs education at national curriculum level (the talk to Frank scheme is great example)
Accepting the drugs, showing it isn't a niche attractive thing would significantly decrease the overall usage.

Yes you'll see large numbers of people registering to get the prescriptions and may be shocked but in reality there are so many people using these drugs and society is unaware of them unless they are caught by police/family/friends.

I know of several friends who have now sadly passed who were attracted to lower level drugs such as Marijuana.
First they smoked cigarettes at school, then bottles of cider on the park after school.
Then marijuana.

The big problem for them and the reason they are now dead is that the same people they obtained marijuana from also could get heavier drugs such as Heroin and crack and sadly many of them were given Heroin whilst in their teens and were told it was weed whilst they smoked it.
This got them addicted, leading to a sad ending.

Taking away all of this, making it more accessible through legal channels, for me is the way forward.... Leading to a decrease of people inside our prisons.

Once we have that decrease then we can focus on rehabilitation of offenders more.

I do know however that many people out there do not wish to change and are willing to continue their sad existence as that is all they have known.
This group for me is the type of people that should be put in army style camps and regimented.
Sounds like you'd make a perfect prison officer Ste, you should put forward your ideas should you get an interview.

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