Questions for this man to answer

For some reason I watch this programme every sunday despite the fact that week after week every single journalist criticises us. They seem intent on kicking clubs 'in crisis' when they're down and they structure the whole show around the chosen club that week (recently it's been Chelsea, Newcastle, West Ham and ourselves). They regularly make extremely bold statements although I am pretty sure that they know no more than you and me. They'll all be kissing our arse in a few years when they will have to rely on us for the appropriate exclusives, the majority of the hacks in the tabloids are really burning their bridges in my opinion with their constant criticism of our club. They seem to honestly believe that we are the biggest 'white elephant' known to man. Well, an elephant never forgets.
What a tool

Does he not have better things to do with his day then be a total knobhead.........
Just googled his name to email him and came up with this.

Former Dunlop Haywards boss Ian McGarry found guilty of £11.5 million mortgage fraud
In a case brought by his former employers, Erinaceous, Ian McGarry former head of valuations at Dunlop Haywards was found guilty of an £11.5 million mortgage fraud in the High Court today.

Mr Justice David Steel told McGarry he was "dishonest". McGarry's valuations had misled the Cheshire Building Society into lending £11.5 million to investment company Goldgrade which then defaulted on it's loan repayments.

In his ruling the judge said that the difference between the true value of the property and that stated in the valuation was as much as 1000%, the property really being worth around £1.3 million. Such a difference could not be explained by any unwitting failure on McGarry's part. Claims in McGarry's valuation report about the rent being charged to 3 ficticious tenants which was double the areas normal rent and other terms of their leases made no sense were "only consistent with dishonesty" the judge said.

The judge ordered an interim payment of £10 million to be made.
Fri, 18th Jan 2008

Quite ironic, suppose i could send this out as fact, as accurate as his bollox
"Robinho's already been told there will be a new coach at the end of the season and he's been in constant contact with Kaka," he said.

to be fair, he's obviously got excellent contacts as Robinho is keeping him well up to date ;o)
Just ignore them lads, their not even mediocre at what they do!! Employed to be YES men.

One thing they don't realise is that they have done more for City than anyone of those superstar on MASSIVE wages could ever do!!!...They've brought us together.

Its smell of the relegations times that we went through, the piss takes, the snide remark and the hurtful lies. The next season there were more of us and that wound them up!!!

Can't wait for Wed!!! Come on City.
Kinky by name said:
"Robinho's already been told there will be a new coach at the end of the season and he's been in constant contact with Kaka," he said.

to be fair, he's obviously got excellent contacts as Robinho is keeping him well up to date ;o)

I wonder if its his brother inlaw???

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