I’m just NW of Chicago and the sky turned green, then dark grey, in the middle of the day, and the gust front was incredible. We were ready to head into the basement to take cover.
If you look up “microburst” (some of the videos are good), it was literally a hundreds of miles long line of microbursts marching through the Midwest.
I knew what was coming because a friend who lives in Des Moines, Iowa got a call from his wife about the severity of the winds, and wind driven rain, and he called me and a few other friends to let us know.
We have large (6’+ circumference trunks and 70-100’ canopy) old growth trees, both in front of the house and in the backyard. A few years ago, we even had the one on the back closest to the house taken down because of the storm threat. The trees were swinging wildly in the wind.
Our electric and cable/internet utilities also basically run through that back tree line, so we are always mindful of strong wind storms.
This was as strong as any I have seen in my decades in this area, and my wife hadn’t seen anything like it in the 50 yrs she’s lived in the area.
Older neighbourhoods like ours, with above ground utilities, are always susceptible to catastrophic damage due to old growth trees and the old telephone poles that string our wires throughout town!