Raised White Blood Cell count...


Well-Known Member
9 Jun 2009
In the King's Head, waiting for the Queen's legs t
Anyone know anything about this?

My daughter had a water infection recently. The doctors have got in touch to say that her white blood cell count is high, but it's not to do with the water infection and they want to do another urine sample. Now me being a worrier I just looked on a few websites and it says that a non-infection caused increase of white cells can be all kinds of things from stress, (she's 8), to Leukemia! Now i'm sat here worrying like fuck, knowing her new results won't be here for a few days.

Has anyone had high white blood cells before, but not caused through an infection?

A lesson learned here too - never look on the internet for a diagnosis, because all it does is plant the fear of god into you.
High white blood cells could be several trillion things mate, I wouldn't worry too much about it.

I would imagine that they are testing for safety rather than concern. If they were concerned, they would have pretty much dragged you back.
White blood cells fight off infection. It's not to much of a leap to suggest there may be anther infection hiding away behind the urine infection.

I know it's easy for me to sit here and type it, but try not to worry until you get something back.
Like Damocles says there's loads of things it could be. Try not to worry (easier said than done I know) but there's nothing you can do about it until you know for sure.

Does she have any other symptoms?
nevilletogoater-in said:
Like Damocles says there's loads of things it could be. Try not to worry (easier said than done I know) but there's nothing you can do about it until you know for sure.

Does she have any other symptoms?
No, rock all mate. I have a vague idea of how it works. You get a cut or an infection and the cells raise to heal the cut/infection. It's this none-injury/infection which the doctors website I looked at said can be any number of things but its just that Leukemia one which stood out for obvious reasons. I get to speak to him over the phone later though so hopefully he can set our minds at rest.
So they've treated her with antibiotics, I'm guessing she went to the GP's with symptoms got antibiotics and was asked to provide a sample while there? If that's the case then I would imagine that if it has come back with raised white blood cells (an indicator of infection at the time of the sample). Gp's sometimes will ask for a repeat sample to make sure the antibiotics have worked and the white blood cell count has returned back to within normal limits. Try not to worry fella
Leukemia often shows other symptoms like feeling sick, headaches, dizzyness that sort of thing.

The common ones are swollen glands, prone to infection or viruses, bleeding - normally nosebleeds, feeling tired. My mates son had a raised cell count but it turned out to be an underlying infection that wasn't diagnosed.

If she's not showing any other problems then there's probably nothing to worry.
Docs just phoned.
He said that she has a slight irritation of the bladder, but its not classed as an infection. This could be the cause of the increased white cells, and the second sample is to clarify that. Still got to complete the course of medicine though.
The count was 85 when it should be 0-40. He said only to have concern when it runs into the hundreds, like 400+.

Mind settled!

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