Rant - inconsitency, spouted nonsense and general blood


Well-Known Member
7 Aug 2007

Frankly in the last few weeks I have reached a stage when I have to have a rant on here to clear my brain and to act as a catharsis for some of the nonsense here. As I am going to take 30 mins for lunch after a hard morning I thought now was the time.

I am gobsmacked at some of the whinging, moaning and general nonsense on here and how with some people it is just so bloody inconsistent and how there are some who will never be happy. Don't get me wrong a constructive whinge about our play, how our CBs aren't working together or why we play a player where we do is fine but here below are a few of the whinges that really get on my tits!

and whilst I am at it the level of pathetic abuse, the level of swearing at each other and genrally being over sensitive and abusive is just embarassing. Honestly anyone who thinks they are hard because they can abuse a complete stranger who may disagree with them on the net needs to give up computers and learn how to interact. It isn't big or clever.

And doubly whilst I am at it, anyone who feels the need to get into arguments about whether a person who they have never met is a WUM or not needs to get a life to. Who cares if someone is a wind up merchant, ignore them, don't give them the satisfaction and draw your own conclusion. You don't need to tell other people how clever you are. Honestly there are people on here who feel the need to post that Elvis hasn't really signed for City and to tell everyone how clever they are because they spotted the wind up. It isn't rocket science!!! If their WUM;s don't give them teh satisfaction of attention and if thety are not don't abuse them just because they might be!

So here for the inconsistencies.

1) Whinging about us not using our wealth and signing everyone in December whilst simultaneously whinging that 18m is too much for Santa Cruz or 12m too much for Parker! We either overpay or we negotiate and things take time! Simple concept
2) Whinging about us lacking effort, grit and character whilst at the same time whinging because we may sign Scot Parker.
3) Wanting us to be more solid defensively whilst demanding attacking signings.
4) Whinging about how quiet everything is and how the club aren't telling us anything whilst at the same time whinging that we aren't professional enough!
5) then there is the whinging about signing players who are not young enough but wanting more experience in the side.

there are many more but too many things to do!

then not an inconsistency but what jokers the people are who think City should be making statements every 5 minutes to appease us. We should be not making any statements on anything apart from definite news. Why on earth would we want to signal our intentions or our thoughts to anyone. Any information the fans get will be far more useful to agents than other teams than us!!!!

Luckily I have a solution to our problems that will appease all on Bluemoon.

All we need to do is sign 11 world class teenagers who all have at least 200 premiership games under their belt each. All must be able to attack and pass like Brady whilst simultaneously defending like Makelele and have the pace of Aliou Toure combined with the physical presence of Andy Morrison. All must be signed prior to the transfer window for about half the likely expected price and city must announce at least 4 weeks in advance that we are going to sign them. All must sign for City because they want to and to show this they must earn less than they are getting at their current clubs. all must have 1 English and 1 south american parent and be eligible to play for both countries simultaneously and must be on Hughes and ADUGs list

Now I think is clearly the time to sign the following players Alf Mendez de Sousa, Diego Arkwright, Rafael de Robertson and Harold De Quinta.

Rant over
first rate post, especially this:

And doubly whilst I am at it, anyone who feels the need to get into arguments about whether a person who they have never met is a WUM or not needs to get a life to. Who cares if someone is a wind up merchant, ignore them, don't give them the satisfaction and draw your own conclusion. You don't need to tell other people how clever you are. Honestly there are people on here who feel the need to post that Elvis hasn't really signed for City and to tell everyone how clever they are because they spotted the wind up. It isn't rocket science!!! If their WUM;s don't give them teh satisfaction of attention and if thety are not don't abuse them just because they might be!
Whinging gives me the sh*ts, we are all dealt a hand, life isn't fair but we have to suck it up and get on with it!

I mean the be all and end all with City is what is the bloody point of all the whinging, teeth nashing, moaning, complaining and general misery does it achieve anything at all ? No

Why would you bother surely we are all football fans and CIty fans because it is our main interest, because we enjoy it, because it is something in our hearts. When that something you spend so much time on makes you miserable you have to think whats the point.

Also anyone who cannot see that City would not be City if they did everything by some boring text book and win easily surely cannot really be a true Blue and cannot understand what it is being a blue.

Also wishing for success immediately will ruin the rst of your City supporting lives, the first trophy, the first league title will be the best, after that every one afterwards will be worth a little bit less. You will not care as much about each incremental trophy about and after success everything else will be seen as a failure. First the Coca Cola won't matter, then the FA Cup won't matter, European football will be taken for granted and then even winning the league won't give you a thrill. United fans raise moderate excitement about the league and consider 2nd failure - wins are boring and worth not much. That is ultimately what it comes down to and you may all find that when success comes it will be less enjoyable than supporting City now. I know fans of a lot of clubs and honestly I reckon the more successful the team, the less they really enjoy football and being a supporter, the less it means to them and ultimately the less they care. It is like Wealth, sleeping with Miss World or anything like that, the idea is better than the reality but even the reality fades with familiarity and age. So begging for this success now will for many of you kill City from ever meaning as much to you again as they do now!!!

So I wish people would start trying to enjoy where we are today, to actually try and enjoy players like Robinho, Ireland and Sweep playing for us instead of Taylor, Shutt and Holden. Start thinking about just how fecking good some of our goals this season have been and that we are building for the future and will take time to improve instead of whinge whinge whinge.

Things on nearly every front are better today than they have been in 30 years yet all we hear is whing whinge whinge.

All this sack Hughes nonsense is cock as well, I cannot believe anyone who makes that call has actually ever taken over a difficult job, set strategy, tried to change the direction of a business and deal with staff managament because if they had they wouldn't be expecting miracles in 4 months. Hughes took over a sh*t team (we were dreadful in 2008 first half) he took over a team with a strategy that changed fundamentally a few weeks into his job, he took over a team when he was going to have to turnover 50-100% of his staff and he has to deal with injuries and changing the way we train and work. The idea that he would change that in the first month and we would be winning week in week out by Oct is frankly stupid! The equivalent of expecting FDR to have sorted out the 1929 crash in 4 months or to have built the great wall of China in 3.

I think though when people actually think that to be a success we need to change every root and branch of our club and think about this in real life you may realise just what a challenge is in front of Hughes and just how long it will take anyone be they Hughes, Mourinho or Hiddink to turn us into the new United. people talk about Mourinho at CHelsea but they were a top 4 team who had won cups in recent times 200m+ already spent on players!
The club has to take some of the blame for this here, they made us believe we were going get all the best players and challenge for honours. they dropped a huge bollock. only now results are shit they are telling us to be realistic !

you cant blame fans for being disapointed

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