Redcafe clowns


Admit it Liam. It looks f***ing great doesn't it. 3000 City doing it at OT. 3, 10, 20, 30,000 doing it at COMS. I can just imagine your MIBS, all dressed in balck, singing "we do want we want and doing the Poznan. You f*****'s would be creaming your balck trackie bottoms at every away match.

But there lies the difference. You lot have always taken yourselfs seriously. You have an image to portrait, where as we just go with the flow and have a laugh.

Don't worry, I don't expect you to understand or agree.
the poznan after we scored against reading was excellent ( i looked round while doing it ) if we can repeat that at wembley ( please oh please give us the chance city ) it will be awesome even the poznan fans would be proud of us, and if the girls did it topless, oh dear wembley fever is getting to me !
jrb said:

Admit it Liam. It looks f***ing great doesn't it. 3000 City doing it at OT. 3, 10, 20, 30,000 doing it at COMS. I can just imagine your MIBS, all dressed in balck, singing "we do want we want and doing the Poznan. You f*****'s would be creaming your balck trackie bottoms at every away match.

But there lies the difference. You lot have always taken yourselfs seriously. You have an image to portrait, where as we just go with the flow and have a laugh.

Don't worry, I don't expect you to understand or agree.

This in a nutshell. You just know that if Poznan did that against United, most reds would be commenting how good it was. As soon as City do it, it suddenly becomes shit.

It's embarrassing really - while I don't expect them (or want them) to be slapping us on the back and saying it "looks awesome" or whatever, I'm man enough to admit that while some of their banter aimed at us is cringeworthingly shit, some of it is also quite funny. The first few verses of "City are a massive club" being a case in point before it got rather tedious with them adding dozens of extra lines that weren't remotely amusing.
Trouble is, Liam , me auld leprichaun, is that you just don't GET IT

That's the difference

The fact that you didn't spot the mix of surprise, humour and admiration when we clocked the Poznan says volumes about the different City and Rag mindsets.
jrb said:
LiamW17 said:
Wow. Bit strong? All I'm pointing out is that most of you are having a go at united fans for having a go at the poznan, when you had a go first, then copied it!

But yeah, I'm sorry for what I said, that has obviously offended you.


It's called banter with the away fans. Its' something you don't have at OT. I was at the Derby, and apart from a few in the KS upper right corner, nothing from your lot.(it's a derby FFS!)

As someone who stands next to the away fans, we have banter with them every home game. Numerous away fans have commented on it. It's a good laugh. Both sets fo find it funny.

Moving on to that video. BANTER. After that I/we started laughing. When we scored we started doing the Poznan back to the Poznan fans. They found it funny. We continued doing it after the other two goals. Ever since then we've sang, "let's all do the Poznan", out of respect to their fans, who were superb that night. (so how have we nicked it you..........fill in as appropriate)

Unlike your shower who dress in black and go all over Europe looking for it, we've gone all over Europe and made frieneds. Note the difference.

Now go back to RAG cafe and tell all those thick f***ers why we started doing the Poznan and why we still sing their name. While you're at it, get a list of songs nicked by Boyle and hang your head in shame.

Don't worry, I don't expect a 'fair enough' reply form you.

Ok, first of all, one of my best mates is a blue, and we have banter day in day out. Banter makes football what it is, just that i've never been called scum or vermin before, that's all.
Secondly, I've never said you nicked it, nor complained that you pass it off as your own. I'll be honest, it looks fun, it's not something that will ever catch on at OT due to our pride, sure you can understand that.
Thirdly, I can't register onto redcafe :( must admit, your forum is better than ours on that front.

Oh yeah, I was at the derby too, seemed to be a bit of banter going on, having said that I was in the Stretford end so obviously I couldn't see anything clearly
blueskies2 said:
ManCitizens. said:
I hope your all ready for this at Wembley


scum.........this what you get with Man U.

OOT dickheads with no Manc loyalty

someone nicked his prawn sandwich out of his lunchbox
GStar said:
LiamW17 said:
Wow. Bit strong? All I'm pointing out is that most of you are having a go at united fans for having a go at the poznan, when you had a go first, then copied it!

But yeah, I'm sorry for what I said, that has obviously offended you.

Because it sounds like you're not a City fan... the trouble is, you think we're taking things seriously. "What the fucking hell was that? It was the first time we'd seen anyone do that at CoMS, we didn't say on mass it was shit. Same way the same chant would probably be said to a guy wearing a kilt, or a guy with a big ginger afro or someone from Boro wearing a 1980's grandad sweater.

The reason you got shit, is because like a lot of utd fans commenting about us, you haven't got a clue.

You also think we're taking things seriously, when we say, you're "as interested and watching man city as we are" or that you obviously don't care about watching the game, we're clearly joking, in fact, I'm surprised that you've taken us so seriously, of all the fans I'd have thought you lot could take a joke...
LiamW17 said:
GStar said:
Because it sounds like you're not a City fan... the trouble is, you think we're taking things seriously. "What the fucking hell was that? It was the first time we'd seen anyone do that at CoMS, we didn't say on mass it was shit. Same way the same chant would probably be said to a guy wearing a kilt, or a guy with a big ginger afro or someone from Boro wearing a 1980's grandad sweater.

The reason you got shit, is because like a lot of utd fans commenting about us, you haven't got a clue.

You also think we're taking things seriously, when we say, you're "as interested and watching man city as we are" or that you obviously don't care about watching the game, we're clearly joking, in fact, I'm surprised that you've taken us so seriously, of all the fans I'd have thought you lot could take a joke...

fuck off you non attending red ****

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