Ref Watch

It's blatant.
I wish city react to this shit, but have a funny feeling whatever city do, the media will turn it against city.
I think Pep should be more vocal about it tho, but Pep seems he prefers sarcasm when talking about the standard of refereeing city get.

You can tell the disrespect Pep has for the media in his aftermatch interviews. He says as little as possible and what he does say tells them absolutely nothing.
The officiating gets more and more obviously biased to United and Liverpool by the week.

Blatant last man foul by Konate on a Brighton forward (including a forearm to the back of the players head) in the 84th minute of their FA Cup tie (at 1-1), which would be a red card if anyone of our players had done it, is ignored by the referee and VAR.
The officiating gets more and more obviously biased to United and Liverpool by the week.

Blatant last man foul by Konate on a Brighton forward (including a forearm to the back of the players head) in the 84th minute of their FA Cup tie (at 1-1), which would be a red card if anyone of our players had done it, is ignored by the referee and VAR.
Gets even worse. Fabinho absolutely rakes young Ferguson down the back of his calf. He knew himself it was a bad one. Spineless Coote gives a yellow. It goes to VAR for possible red and you’ve guessed it, check complete no further action. Absolutely disgusting. Coote is totally crap and VAR not fit for purpose.
Gets even worse. Fabinho absolutely rakes young Ferguson down the back of his calf. He knew himself it was a bad one. Spineless Coote gives a yellow. It goes to VAR for possible red and you’ve guessed it, check complete no further action. Absolutely disgusting. Coote is totally crap and VAR not fit for purpose.
It’s getting farcical.

We would have had two sent off.

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