Lads - lets get this straight. You can have bad refs. You can have asshole refs. You may even have refs with subconcious dislikes for certain teamsor players. But what you do not have is refs that are under instruction, or that have been influenced in a certain direction. Its unbecoming to suggest that they are there.
To think it through.
Say Liverpool. Or City or any other team for that matter. Look at how much they would lose if it came out they were trying to influence a ref. These are billion dollar/ pound/ euro entities.
It will be straight down two divisions with ya. It'll be several hundred million off the value of the franchise. it'll be owners reputations compromised and looking to sell up asap.
Thats not happening, its not going to happen. Its daft to suggest it it is happening. Forget about it.
Welcome back Frank/Pige. It's been a while.
I presume you're not a native Mancunian, and probably from over the pond, by your use of "asshole refs", "ya" and "franchises". This is the Premier League over here, not the NFL.
When the senior management of the FArce say that one club dominating is bad for the game, or a successful "X" is good for business selling the "product" overseas, followed by a series of decisions made by officials which only back up the party line, then you begin to have grave doubts about the honesty and integrity of the officials appointed.
To suggest otherwise is, imo, incredibly naive, purely based on what we all see week in, week out. Either the the decisions are bent, or the officials incompetent. However, those same "incompetent" officials can perform quite adequately in most situations where a result is not really important to the destiny of the major honours, so the doubts continue and multiply among the match going public.
With the introduction of VAR next season, we may get greater transparency in the decision making process, but the diluted version being brought in will STILL not be transparent to the fans attending, and STILL open to manipulation by the officials who will STILL be completely unaccountable to anyone other than themslves and their paymasters.