I think we are benefiting from the Clatteberg effect . We are 11 clear playing great football would you want to be the ref that got the call from pigmol central on the Thursday Eve saying that the powers that be want us reigned in, so could you use the dark arts to start to pin us back ? And if you were the ref would you want to be that person that gave a string of dubious decisions in a game that city lost that everybody would be dissecting in detail? The dark arts were deployed early in the season against Walker and Sterling, then suddenly stopped although it did try and raise it's head with Walker being booked for his first foul last Sunday. We have reached the point in the season where for the good of the prem league it's better for us to continue on and not be stopped because unless we implode by our own hand then any outside influence will be obvious, the powers that be won't like it of course, but the prem will need to protect the product and unfortunately for them the best way is to have us dominant this year, globally to many people are watching us .