Riot in Tottenham (continued)

Apologies if this has already been posted by the way, but it seems that one of Boris Johnson's attempts to appear 'cool', long before before he was inexplicably voted Mayor of London, has come back to bite him on his big fat Old Etonian ass. He wrote a few years ago:

"If James Blunt seems drippy next to the rock stars of the good old days, he is positively macho by comparison with the Kaiser Chiefs. These are the weeds from Leeds whose hit single was I Predict a Riot, a tale about the bourgeois apprehension of a chap who tries to get a taxi on a Saturday night in the centre of town.
“Watching the people get lairy, it’s not very pretty I tell thee. Walking through town is quite scary, and not very sensible either,” sing these epic softies. Then the chap meets another chap in a tracksuit, who looks as though he might offer violence, but doesn’t, and that’s about it. It’s pathetic!
When I was a nipper it was standard practice for a rock star to start the evening by biting the head off a pigeon and throwing the television out of the window before electrocuting his girlfriend in the bath and almost drowning in a cocktail of whisky, heroin and his own vomit. The self-respecting British punk rockers didn’t get up on stage and start whimpering about how they predicted a riot. They incited riots. “White riot, I want a riot, white riot, a riot of my own,” they sang, if my memory serves me correctly."
Put a new emergency bill through that anyone caught rioting, looting etc loses thier human rights.
Then get heavy with them, batter them.

Issue is Police are too scared to do anything as they know touch one of them and they will be investigations, put on gardening leave, scum lawyers will get thier scum client to sue and the officer will be made the scapegoat.

Now, these scum having no human rights, in fact no one should if they break the law, then rules change.

I know im not going to get a whack off the police due to im not out rioting. If you go, be prepared to be hurt should be the message.
Lancet Fluke said:
citysince88 said:
The BBC are saying Mark Duggan was not carrying a gun, at least a gun was not found at the scene, and the two bullets were fired by the police officer.

So a guy it would seem has been gunned down by a copper, and the group in society which is most at odds with the police goes completely off on one, makes some sense. I still think we need the army in, it's the only institution that they may respect enough not to attack, everything else is just a source of pure hate and anger, a sad state of affairs.

Edit. My mistake they're saying a gun that was found at the scene but was not fired. The bullets found were from the police officer.

Yes, they were comments from the IPPC which said no evidence that the gun was shot but definitely a gun at the scene. I am wary of backing the police after the Menezes outrage but if the guy had a gun then it is going to be difficult to have sympathy. He may not have shot it but I reckon merely pointing it at a copper would suffice as an armed officer would have to be mental to actually wait to be shot at.

The story has changed a few times since the ipcc got involved on thurs night...initially the police claimed to have been shot at...they now claim they did not make such a claim...the latest suggestion is that a gun wrapped in a sock was found in the cab...unfired....two bullets into Duggan the other ending up in a poilce radio....both police issue.
Urgent investigation into the firearm underway and an announcement expected 24 hrs on. Watch this space.
Real or fake?!

I'm going for fake
These fuckers are dragging innocent people from their cars and assaulting them and mugging them. They're setting fire to shops owned by innocent people just trying to make a living. These same fires are putting innocent lives at risk.

I'm no 'rabid right winger' but it's time to meet fire with fire.
nashark said:
JohnMaddocksAxe said:
nashark said:
Justice, I'm not so sure, but these kids don't find it immoral to rob and take from others. Why? Because they were brought up in a dog eat dog world. Where is the line? Why is a salesman who coaxes a working man into signing a rolling contract complete with insidious small-print labelled a go-getter when these kids are labelled the scum of the earth because they stole a bag of fucking rice?

Law doesn't reflect morals, currency doesn't reflect desert.

Until we start cultivating virtue with an appropriate economic system, there will always be this sort of stuff.

Maybe there will. Maybe we are in total agreement in that.

But why does that make this a political issue (when it shows no signs of replicating genuine violent political fights in the past) and not a criminal one?

All criminal issues are products of societies and their politics.

We make judgements as to what should be viewed, discussed and treated as criminality and what should be viewed, discussed and treated as political grievance.

Until I see a shred of genuine political motivation, this is pure criminality in my view and I will not sully the name of genuine political struggles of the past (some of which many on here will view as nonsense and criminality) by likening them to this.

It is not the same. I don't know why we are arguing about whether life is a product of politics. Of course it is. It isn't a debating point.

These people aren't motivated by politics by the way. I've never said that. I said that their actions are a product of politics as are all crimes for financial benefit. On the other hand, I consider rape/murder/battery a creation of evolution.

So the "greedy bankers" from an earlier post of yours are simply victims of politics? Glad we cleared that up then, I always thought you just hated bankers.
Cheesy said:
These fuckers are dragging innocent people from their cars and assaulting them and mugging them. They're setting fire to shops owned by innocent people just trying to make a living. These same fires are putting innocent lives at risk.

I'm no 'rabid right winger' but it's time to meet fire with fire.

Welcome to sanity. Been saying this for 2 days.
Police around the country have started arresting people who are inciting this shit on social media. About time.

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