
The Silver Surfer

Well-Known Member
1 Jul 2009
I follow the developments in these areas only occasionally, but i'm continuously amazed when I check up on them.
AI for instance is predicted to reach consciousness level sometime by 2030-40 and added to that quantum computing is taking steps forward everyday. Marry the 2 together and there is the potential to solve practically every problem as efficiently as possible. Just think, our tiny minds conduct experiments and test hypothesis with a goal in mind and we have achieved a huge amount over the last 200 years but AI could find a solution to conveniently remove co2 from the air, solve starvation by designing machines to create identically meat and other food products from the items going to landfill, design a limitless free energy solution etc etc. We could even conquer mortality.

Another thing to consider is how we control this AI, its laws of operation so we don't end up with a "Skynet" scenario.

It obviously would have the potential to create super humans/robots far superior to ourselves.

Is it scary or exciting? Or both?

I recommend this article on the subject, its a long read but well worth it.

Here's a few videos showing just what the guys at Boston Dynamics have achieved in robotics.

It's going to kill our economy and force economic upheaval on a greater scale than the Industrial Revolution and it will happen in the next twenty years.
It's going to kill our economy and force economic upheaval on a greater scale than the Industrial Revolution and it will happen in the next twenty years.
With the right approach it can be a positive thing, for example introduce a nationwide universal basic income, remove the menial jobs that people do just to survive through automation, and suddenly lots of people have a lot more time and freedom to pursue more worthwhile activities and professions.

Of course it would take good governance, management, foresight and the political will so seems unlikely.
Destroy them before they take over, have none of you watched Transcendence, The Matrix or Terminator?
It's too late for that, we need to run for the hills now, today, immediately. It's our only hope.
I'm in the sticks now and they have internet here, it's hopeless, maybe a bigger version of Sealand?
And what precisely will consciousness manifest itself as in AI?

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