Rodri's strike comment

This is not about money ffs , they are being flogged for eleven months , it is too much , when any of ours get an injury because of tiredness or burnout we all hate it

We play a lot more games than anyone else , because we are so good but they need adequate rest and recovery

Rodders is not a stupid person and when he speaks we should fucking listen
I'd like to see all the foreign tours scrapped and the pointless Club "World Cup" too and the players getting a six week break. It won't happen because money talks (and I'm not talking about the money the players get paid)
I think it would be absolutely outrageous for Premier League players to strike given the money they earn. Retire from international football if you want a rest.
A lot of them hold International football in a higher regard than they do club football. Even Phil Foden said recently that the Euros final was the biggest game of his career. So they aren’t going to retire from that, it’s their pinnacle.
(Although, international football does need looking at!)

Plus it’s not so much that they want a rest, they want to play in every game but do so safely and not risk injury or turning into shit knackered players too early, they want to be able to play every game in a smaller calendar… a calendar that wasn’t too bad a few years back and didn’t need changing, if a change was needed it would be reducing the number of games.

There’s no need for an international break three games into the domestic season, it never existed until the Winter World Cup a few years ago, and should be scrapped.
There’s no need to start the season so early anyway. Shouldn’t start until after the Transfer Window closes. Which would be manageable with fewer international breaks.
There’s no need for world tours in pre-season, it’s actually detrimental for players, in fact is probably the worst way athletes could possibly prepare for a season of performance… fuck them off, tell the Yanks and Koreans to go and watch their local teams, I would never expect the Tampa Coast Socks Stealers to come and do a pre-season tour of Wythenshawe so why do our teams have to be paraded around the world?
The Champions League didn’t need expanding. If you don’t make the Top 8, you could have four extra games to play compared to previous CL campaigns.
The Nations League was never needed and International friendles should have been scrapped decades ago. If the Nations League is to be a thing, it should be that that gets you to qualify for the Euros and World Cup and scrap the old fashioned qualification.
The Winter break is a silly idea because all it does is prolong the end of the season by a week and mean players get a week less holiday or a week less pre-season.
The Euros didn’t need expanding, it was fine the way it was. There’s far too much dross in there now.
The Copa America and ACON happen too often. They should be formatted every four years like the Euros are.

I’m with the players on this and would fully support them going on strike.
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It's a bit of a double edged sword.

When we was shit I used to love watching England games.

Now we are wining trophies and are hugely successful, I couldn't give a toss about England. My only hope is that all our players who play for their national team, come back UN injured. Call me selfish if you want. But for me City over England every day.

I admit that if we want to continue watching the sublime football we are witnessing, then we have to agree with Rodri, in that something needs to give. Yes they are handsomely paid., and fly in private jets etc... but they are human beings. Not robots.
This is not about money ffs , they are being flogged for eleven months , it is too much , when any of ours get an injury because of tiredness or burnout we all hate it

We play a lot more games than anyone else , because we are so good but they need adequate rest and recovery

Rodders is not a stupid person and when he speaks we should fucking listen
It’s all about the football associations wanting to make more money…….they’re raking in millions if not billions
It’s all about the football associations wanting to make more money…….they’re raking in millions if not billions

This is exactly it. Football is just getting bigger and bigger and there's an insane demand for the top end of the product internationally.

There was a massive incident in Asia because Messi wasn't available for a friendly.

There's talk of the PL playing games in the US.

The Spanish Super Cup has been played in Saudi Arabia.

There are people who are making bank off of this and don't get about the state of the players as long as they get their piece of the pie.

I'm completely with Rodri on this. We don't need to add extra games to the UCL. We don't need an expanded Club World Cup. We don't need to expand the Euros and the World Cup, or add North America to the Copa America. We don't need a 39th PL game. We don't need all these stupid preseason tours for ungrateful American shits who complain that the European international players should have been made available despite having just finished the Euros.
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I think our fans have some misconception about the pressure that players have to take:

1. "Why don't they rotate": Well, rotation doesn't help because even if you are not played, you still have to trained well, mentally and physically well prepared every single day. And a reserved player is not really rested. As Akanji mentioned in another day, when the schedule is too much, the players don't have enough time to take any day off. It means the reserved players also cannot take enough vacation with their family and friends.

2. "They are paid too much, stop moaning":
2.1. Imagine you are paid a lot on your job, but you have to work a lot without many days off. Should you complain about that with the hope that it can make some changes, or you will just working non-stop and ruin yourself?
2.2. Do you really think players take more money than other jobs? Is football players or any other athletics earn much more than other career?
- I think you are comparing top persons in sports with average persons in other jobs. Now, try to compare top sport players with top CEO, managers, business man in other jobs, you'll see different pictures. Is Messi and C.Ronaldo earn anywhere near top richest persons in the world. And do those top richest persons have time for their vacations and other activities (some persons don't want to take vacation, but some other do).
- <-- this is how much they earns.
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