Here's another question...Would you not say that being an Atheist is a religious concept in itself.
The absolute conviction that God doesn't exist...isn't that 'Blind Faith'?
No. It isn't faith based. It's based upon the total lack, so far, of any credible evidence of the existence of any god. Ever.
Propositions without evidence need to be taken on faith.
An Athiest does not feel that a suspension of critical faculties to allow you to believe, when there is a mountain of evidence that shows glaring gaps and mistakes, scientific, moral and ethical in the case for the god of Abraham is one ship they wish not to board.
We don't have faith in not believing, we just don't believe the case for it holds water. Even the type that Jesus turned into wine, or the stuff he walked on.
I don't believe in fairies. I don't have a faith based opposition to them, I just think the case for them is a non starter. The same view applies to
Spiritual Healers
The spaghetti monster
Ancient Aliens
Arch Demons(they're real cunts)
The power of prayer
Speaking bollocks in tongues.
The French
The same with religion or god.its not faith it's facts, evidence and plausibility.
We are also open to change through evidence. If god lost his natural inclination to do fuck all, all the time and decided all those children getting killed in Alleppo was too much and boomed from the clouds, enough. Then I would say, fuck me he does exist. Followed by
What kept you and while we are about it what the fuck is childhood cancer all about you ****?
That kinda vibe.