Russian invasion of Ukraine

All that on russki soil, let that sink in...
If someone suggested that move a year ago!...

All those empty russians threats. What now?
Where are all the experts who prayed better not to provoke russia? Silence.

Many on here could smell pootin's bluff and asked the west to be quicker and with more courage, me too.

Hope the tide is turning and weapon supplies even pile up to end this shite once and for all.
Wonder if it’s time for the other fish encircling the empire to begin to take a nibble? I mean, would be the perfect moment… just sayin’…
My personal view is that if Russias economy crumbles enough ( or they have a civil war ) China will just buy Manchuria in an Alaska style deal.
But why?

Sure it was once part of China, but other than historical sentiment what is to gain there that should interest China?
My personal view is that if Russias economy crumbles enough ( or they have a civil war ) China will just buy Manchuria in an Alaska style deal.
If we sign a treaty to buy Russia's land, that treaty will be called an "Unequal treaty" by west media.
China-Russia relation will be fucked. It will benefit USA and haunt us for a long time,100years, 200 years.
Expansionism will make us pay a huge price.(And that's the reasone why USA always want to demonize our country as a "expansionism evil". They will accuse every border dispute of being China's fault.)
The whole world are watching, we don't want to be expansionism. It will hurt our country.
Yes we are the bad guys nowadays.
So every country around us, listen carefully, NO civil war! Otherwise we will take your land!
I didn't say China are the bad guys? Though they backed an evil dictator who targets/kills/murders civilians. So yes i will judge China for those deaths. So should you.
Russia owes China a lot of money. How else will they get it back if civil war breaks out?
China is not a charity. Debts will have to be paid. Well we will see who is right.

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