Russian invasion of Ukraine

Unless it’s been stripped of them it’s supposed to have a decent chunk of Natural resource’s.

Nothing that is of special note i presume to the Chinese. The region notably does not have oil or gas afaik and its a relatively low populated area.

China might be more interested in oil and gas that it can simply purchase rather than needing to take it, especially at the moment it should be able to strike bargains. Then again there is a fair distance between the main Russian oil/gas fields and hubs and there isnt sufficient pipeline capacity in place and building up that capacity would take years if not decades and a lot of money.

China might aswell just keep Russia on friendly terms,Russia is becoming increasingly dependent on China as is and that gives China leverage.
If we sign a treaty to buy Russia's land, that treaty will be called an "Unequal treaty" by west media.
China-Russia relation will be fucked. It will benefit USA and haunt us for a long time,100years, 200 years.
Expansionism will make us pay a huge price.(And that's the reasone why USA always want to demonize our country as a "expansionism evil". They will accuse every border dispute of being China's fault.)
The whole world are watching, we don't want to be expansionism. It will hurt our country.
Demonized by the west?
We don't have to. Just look how caring China was when dealing with Hong Kong.
The sooner you realise your leadership are a bunch of twats the better.

This isn't an attack on Chinese people by the way. I have great Chinese friends.
They tell me how it is "back home" etc.
Nothing that is of special note i presume to the Chinese. The region notably does not have oil or gas afaik and its a relatively low populated area.

China might be more interested in oil and gas that it can simply purchase rather than needing to take it, especially at the moment it should be able to strike bargains. Then again there is a fair distance between the main Russian oil/gas fields and hubs and there isnt sufficient pipeline capacity in place and building up that capacity would take years if not decades and a lot of money.

China might aswell just keep Russia on friendly terms,Russia is becoming increasingly dependent on China as is and that gives China leverage.

Where did I say take it? I said buy the land like the the US bought Alaska. And how would giving Russia a ton of money if they need it not keep them on side?

Coal, iron, shale oil etc if it’s not all be used.
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