Save Our Dave Campaign: #SOD

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Well-Known Member
8 Oct 2008
It's not looking good for Dave at the Moment, so a few on here have suggested a 'SAVE OUR DAVE CAMPAIGN'.

With this in mind, I'd like to start it off with a simple but effective......


I'm sure over the coming days, weeks, and months, we can show our support for Dave by making this campaign bigger and better.

Dave, or Davy, as he's become affectionately know to us, has so far done a wonderful job at the Moyesoleum, and as such deserves our support and backing.

So please, support the 'SAVE OUR DAVE CAMPAIGN'.
Re: Save Our Dave Campaign!

#saveourdave, ill start the Twitter end off (well I'll tell the city bloggers to do it, they have more followers)
Re: Save Our Dave Campaign!

Yeah. We'd better tone it down and start posting hither and yon as Kev from Chingford or Abdul from Karachi or Chung from KL giving reasons why wee Davey must stay. Something about Fungus had three years... dishonour a living leg-end by offing his choice.... what are we rats leaving a sinking.... where's that old bulldog Winston spirit... blah blah.
Re: Save Our Dave Campaign!

We need some photoshop experts.

Maybe a song, banner, badges, stickers, an advert in the MEN, etc.

Anyone with any ideas, feel free.
Re: Save Our Dave Campaign!

Haha beat you to it by one day!!

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>
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