Scum Hunter Shoots Cecil the Lion

Well,if any good can come from this...... hopefully the fact such a lion has been butchered will highlight to the masses what a serious problem this is.....will it prevent it happening again? probably not.....but at the very least it may reduce such barbarity.
As most people on here know I hunt, what amazed me there are TV adverts in America for this kind of "hunting", it made me shake my head.
This whole episode just brings up lots of questions?

1) Why would anyone want to kill a lion?
2) Why fly all that way? There must be hundreds of lions for him to kill in the good ol US of A.
3) Why, for the love of all's that holy would he use a bow and f^&%ing arrow?
4) Why not go to Barbados, Australia even Vegas instead? Not to kill anything, just relax, have a good time, treat the wife and kids.
5) Why is it legal to kill a lion if you pay tens of thousands of dollars?
6) Why would he post numerous pictures of all the animals he has killed on facebook?
7) Why is he such a rat-faced, scum-sucking, reptile, worm-maggot, of a soulless turd?

He'll be OK though, expect a teary apology on some news channel very soon, he's already got a PR company involved. He can always move to one of the "square states" he'll be a hero there.

Ha, knew it. He's a fuckin rag.
If he shot it and cut it's head off, how did he get the head home ?
He didn't. The authorities confiscated it, which I think was how they found out it had happened in the first place. This barbaric bastards didn't think he was doing anything illegal so had no reason to hide it.

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