It's a simple equation either pay the prices or give up your seat if you don't wont move to a cheaper one, all the moaning of what we paid back in 2012 or so is stupid, back then we were emerging from a middle to lower premier league side now we are possible the best club on and of the field in Europe, we charge less than all the other top six premier league teams most of which have not had the success we have had since 2012. If you think our owners were going to keep the prices significantly lower than our main rivals you need to give your head a wobble, we are a business and cant afford to lose thousands perhaps the odd million a year to our rivals. We may have a counties wealth behind us but we are run as a sustainable business! Would you rather watch crap each week or pay a competitive amount with a varied price range to watch what we have now and the great facilities we now have that will only improve over the next few years?