I think a lot of season ticket holders criticising those moaning are missing the point. Those who missed out just wanted a fairer system to decide who got what.
When the membership scheme was put forward it said you would get access to the 'season ticket waiting list'...There was no list, there was no fair system in place decided by points, date of membership or time you entered the queue. Instead it was a free-for-all lottery.
Those saying 'why don't you get to as many games as you can' are also missing the point a little as the cost of tickets on average will be higher purchasing each game individually. Granted it's the best option now there are no season tickets left.
Then factor in that the club said that these silver tickets were for 'people who wanted a cheaper option, families etc...'. Well that didn't work did it, as they will have been taken by people who could afford a gold ticket but just took anything they could get.
Ultimately this has been a significant fuck up by the club once again, what happened to just having a good old fashioned list where you had your number in the queue and you waited your turn (might take a couple of season etc...).
Season ticket holders should be backing a fairer system because I tell you, the price of your season ticket next season is going to rise significantly.