Season Tickets - the shape of things to come

Don’t think it unreasonable to expect the seats to be used obviously there are last minute “emergency”‘situations, it’s also a measure to prevent touts With repect to decreasing the senior discounts then that’s not reasonable
Sold two back so far - £46 - both tickets.
Haven’t a clue what they got sold for.
Missing one more in March so selling that back too.
Like most after 50 years I am prioritising other things as I start to wind down towards retirement.
I have given up the cup schemes this season and can’t imagine ever bothering again.
I don’t enjoy the night games anymore so going forward I think that may become an issue with evening league games.
Breaking the habit of actually attending games?
I really don’t know as cost won’t ever be a problem and the ability to pay will keep me showing up.
Don’t think I will ever be happy with the direction the club are going but, that’s today’s game for you.
You have no evidence to suggest we will doing anything remotely similar, stop shit stiring
Who's shit stirring?

We already do the, if you don't list your tickets if you don't turn up then you risk losing the chance of not being able to renew your season ticket. A couple of mates who only knew they were a no show on the day of the game so couldn't list them received a gentle reminder when it happened twice.

I was also showing that the reduction in FOC discount and the qualifying age shift is an industry creep, Spuds, Arsenal, West Ham, now Brighton.

I hope City don't follow this trend, but come back to me when we get the next Season Ticket notifications, 5% rise, only if we're lucky.
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