Selfish slobs on public transport

bluwes said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
I've not had the pleasure of using buses for years, although I do trains, and in the main find them fine, other than charging £15-25 for a bottle of ice cold Shiraz, that is when they actually trundle into the station and aren't cancelled due to the guard having to take his library books back, or some such bonkers excuse.
I do remember a very drunk bloke on the 192 throwing up all over his chips and gravy at the Apollo, before falling soundly asleep, and waking up at Mersey Square only to start tucking in again and telling all and sundry that it was the nicest coleslaw he had ever eaten.
Oh, and a girl who stood up to get off, told her mate she was 'busting for a piss' and promptly downed her draws and had on on the top deck.
A veritable smorgasbord of human detritus.
Falling asleep was the best option, or growling at folk like a madman, although I tried that once when I was incredibly pissed and some bloke growled back, before starting to masturbate.

An Ice Cold Shiraz WTF, I've heard everything now !

If I remember rightly, I got a bottle of lukewarm Sauvignon Blanc on the return journey, so clearly they need to retrain their sommelier.
I saw the title and wondered why Luke Shaw was using the bus, oh well we can all make mistakes.
Dave Ewing's Back 'eader said:
citykev28 said:
I got tutted at by a woman on a bus in Paris who was sat across two seats because I asked her to move onto one to allow my pregnant partner to sit down.

Tutted at I tell thee!

I hope you tutted back in fluent French!

In my experience, the French don't really tut as such - instead they tend to simply fix you with a glare that suggests you are a particularly large turd they have just stepped on, whilst inclining the head slightly and making an incredibly annoying clicking sound.
Of course that could just be the way they treat me.
On the upside, they tend to fuck off out shortly after, so it has a happy ending.
I cannot stand getting the bus but on occasion needs must. It's a 100 times worse in term time with the screeching bloody school girls making such a racket
BlueBearBoots said:
I cannot stand getting the bus but on occasion needs must. It's a 100 times worse in term time with the screeching bloody school girls making such a racket

To be honest I think that every time I come on here.

I'm joking

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