Sergio Canales

I thought he's supposed to be one of the hottest properties in Spain.....3 million sounds way too little.
bluemonkey71 said:
I thought he's supposed to be one of the hottest properties in Spain.....3 million sounds way too little.

Its only because of his existing contract. They can't charge higher because there is a price already in his buy out clause.
mcfcJosh111 said:
he should come city he wouldn't get a game at madrid, but at city he could share the AM role with ireland
Wouldn't get a game at City either. He's a great prospect but people are overrating him because of his (easy) goals.
He looks like signing a new contract, but that's only so Racing Santander will get a fee. Madrid seems to be the favourite, with him being loaned back to Santander for a few seasons.
Manchester City delegation travels to Spain to lure Canales

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ales/5221/</a>
Although he looks a promising player, have watched several videos of him and it appears he is incredibly one footed, which is a real shame.
Maybe he is good enough to make this aspect unimportant, but I must be honest it does tend to make players so one footed far less potent than those like torres, where defenders can't push them onto their poorer foot?
With the fees being talked about it is certainly worth a gamble, but who knows, I would like to see us sign him if the fee is reasonable.
No doubts about this kid, if we can get him (this might be our only chance) then we should. I know he's had alot of press recently but he's been on a few clubs the radar since he was 15. Only watched him in a few full matches but he stood out like a sore thumb in all the games i've seen him, he seems to have one of those footballing brains that gives him time on the ball and gets him in dangerous positions. Never seems rushed.

Great competition for Ireland.
Curtesy of john@staustell over on mancityfans.

So now we know who these 'City representatives' are, though it may be a waste of private jet fuel. Marca reckons Real have given Canales' dad an ultimatum to accept there offer. Meanwhile over at AS:

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a> ... iftb_6/Tes

Sergio Canales has practically decided that his future will be at the Bernabeu after his formation at Santander. Nevertheless, the strongest teams of the Premier wont give in. In fact, several City emisaries travelled to Santander yesterday morning to offer a huge amount of money with one objective, that he signs a 'galactico' contract immediately.

The sporting director of the English club, Mike Rigg (?) and the finance director, Graham Wallace, arrived at Parayas airport at 11.55am in a private jet, with AS as the only witness (there is a photo) and had 2 separate meetings with Racing president Francisco Pernia and the players agent and father Angel Canales.

The first meeting was with Pernia at El sardinero at 1pm. The City directors offered Racing all type of facilities and good terms for them to convince Canales. They would pay a healthy fee, more than other offers, and would lend Canales back to Racing for 1 year. Pernia like dthis idea as it would make a big impact on the needy funds of the club.

An hour and a half later, Rigg and Wallace met Angel Canales for lunch. They all knew each other because, as the paper informed you yesterday, the player's father was in Manchester a few days ago to see the City and it's facilities, and allegedly putting an end to the chance of him going to the Premier. But out of courtesy he received them yesterday. And not for nothing. The City Board offered a long contract to counter the glamour (hiss) of Chelsea or the potential of Real. 4 or 5 yeras with a salary starting at 1.5 million euros and ending at 3 million.

In any case, and although it's been suggested that Canales wont renew with Racing and that he would study ways of leaving Santander but give them a good fee, everything points to the player signing a new and bigger contract with Santander in the coming days and then he will say 'yes' to Madrid.

Sergio Canales tiene prácticamente decidido que su futuro pasará por el Bernabéu tras formarse primero en Santander. Sin embargo, los equipos más fuertes de la Premier no se rinden. De hecho, varios emisarios del Manchester City viajaron ayer por la mañana a la capital de Cantabria para ofrecer un dineral al jugador con un objetivo prioritario: que firme un contrato galáctico de inmediato.

El director deportivo del club inglés, Mike Rigg, y el director financiero, Graham Wallace, llegaron al aeropuerto cántabro de Parayas a las 11:55 en un jet privado, con AS como único testigo, y mantuvieron dos reuniones (por separado), con el presidente del Racing, Francisco Pernía, y el agente y padre del jugador, Ángel Canales.

La primera de las citas fue con Pernía en El Sardinero a eso de las 13:00 horas. Los dirigentes del City ofrecieron al club verdiblanco todo tipo de facilidades y buenas condiciones para que convenzan a Canales. Aceptarían pagar un suculento traspaso, superando la propuesta de aquel equipo que más pague, y ven con buenos ojos dejar cedido al futbolista un año en el Racing. A Pernía le agrada esta oferta porque dejaría una gran huella en las necesitadas arcas del club.

Una hora y media después, Rigg y Wallace se vieron con Ángel Canales para comer. Todos se conocen porque, como informó ayer este diario, el padre del mediapunta estuvo en Manchester hace días para ver la ciudad y conocer sus instalaciones, poniendo así fin a su casting por la Premier. Aún así, por caballerosidad, aceptó recibirlos de nuevo ayer. Y no era para menos. La cúpula directiva del City le ofreció un contrato largo para contrarrestar el glamour del Chelsea o el potencial del Madrid: cuatro o cinco años, con un salario que partiría de los 1,5 millones de euros y que acabaría siendo de tres.

De todas formas, y aunque se ha especulado con la idea de que Canales no iba a renovar con el Racing y que estudiaría otras fórmulas para que le fiche un grande y siga cedido en el conjunto cántabro (regateando así a Lendoiro, en cuyo poder está el 50% de su venta), todo apunta a que en los próximos días ampliará su contrato en Santander y luego dirá 'sí' al Madrid.

Looks very unlikely in my opinion.

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