Should this whiny woman I know be allowed to go on holiday?

Re: Should people on benefits be allowed abroad?

kinkysleftfoot said:
stonerblue said:
kinkysleftfoot said:
If she didn't receive these payments would she still be able to go abroad?

Answer my first question please.

Only if you can afford it without the benefit payments

She could easily go abroad without ss payments. Having said that, holidays can be very cheap.
Re: Should people on benefits be allowed abroad?

tueartsboots said:
The cookie monster said:
tueartsboots said:
legally allowed to take 2 weeks holiday per year without benefits being stopped.

I think thats just holidays in the u'k mate.
and they know how? I worked for a New Deal provider, as long as we told in advance it was perfectly ok- all we asked for was a post card !

They expect honesty.
Should people on benefits be allowed abroad?

Kun Aguero said:
The cookie monster said:
Kun Aguero said:
No, if you don't work you should get no money, I'm not going to work my ass off for a wanker of a manager whilst Vicky Pollard's can watch Jeremy Kyle with a roll up and a 2 litre of strongbow.
If you lose your job tomorrow and cant get another one what will you do?

Start up my own compay.
how about sending people who can't spell such as you to Uganda never to return
Re: Should people on benefits be allowed abroad?

glen quagmire said:
LittleStan said:
glen quagmire said:
Please don't turn it into a hate thread. For the record, i believe it has fuck all to do with anyone, where anyone goes. It was the reaction of one of my lads at work. As i am getting him to drop the mrs friend off at john lennon. He is normally a laid back fella, but went into a bit of a rant, along the lines of 'how can someone who's never worked and live on handouts from the state, afford to go abroad'? (he can't this year due to making home improvements instead)

Too late. These threads always turn from a discussion about those who can't work to those who won't work.

the 'won't works' need to be stopped.

The 'can't works' should not be punished for something outside their control.

But unfortunately some dick heads can't see the difference, your OP implies that this person won't work but does not provide any other evidence, hence it gets peoples back up.

Yes stan i see your point. The inverted comma's on the word chronic, was due to the bird in question going to zumba twice a week, pole dancing classes and is found bladdered in town three fridays from four......

You see we could not get that from your OP, therefore you left it open to become a 'hate against everybody on benifits' thread.

Answer me this.

Would you (or your mate) be happy to see somebody go on holiday because they we on sick due to a bullet in the head?
Re: Should people on benefits be allowed abroad?

LittleStan said:
glen quagmire said:
LittleStan said:
Too late. These threads always turn from a discussion about those who can't work to those who won't work.

the 'won't works' need to be stopped.

The 'can't works' should not be punished for something outside their control.

But unfortunately some dick heads can't see the difference, your OP implies that this person won't work but does not provide any other evidence, hence it gets peoples back up.

Yes stan i see your point. The inverted comma's on the word chronic, was due to the bird in question going to zumba twice a week, pole dancing classes and is found bladdered in town three fridays from four......

You see we could not get that from your OP, therefore you left it open to become a 'hate against everybody on benifits' thread.

Answer me this.

Would you (or your mate) be happy to see somebody go on holiday because they we on sick due to a bullet in the head?

Stan, i would be happy to see any fucker get a few days away from this shitehole island. Are you offering?
Re: Should people on benefits be allowed abroad?

LittleStan said:
glen quagmire said:
LittleStan said:
Too late. These threads always turn from a discussion about those who can't work to those who won't work.

the 'won't works' need to be stopped.

The 'can't works' should not be punished for something outside their control.

But unfortunately some dick heads can't see the difference, your OP implies that this person won't work but does not provide any other evidence, hence it gets peoples back up.

Yes stan i see your point. The inverted comma's on the word chronic, was due to the bird in question going to zumba twice a week, pole dancing classes and is found bladdered in town three fridays from four......

You see we could not get that from your OP, therefore you left it open to become a 'hate against everybody on benifits' thread.

Answer me this.

Would you (or your mate) be happy to see somebody go on holiday because they we on sick due to a bullet in the head?

Would that be from a drive-by shooting or an Services related one (and no, not on the M6)!
Re: Should people on benefits be allowed abroad?

ell said:
Too many ifs/buts for there to be a straight yes or no answer. Each scenario is different for example disability benefits or jobseekers.

I thought jobseekers was just enough to put food in your belly and a roof on your head so not sure how they could afford a holiday

When I was made redundant two years ago I got £62 per week and that was to pay for everything. There was no way I could have afforded to have a holiday abroad with that sort of money.
Re: Should people on benefits be allowed abroad?

nijinsky's fetlocks said:
daveduke67 said:
What if they won the holiday in a Stenna competition?

What if they won a Stannah stairlift in a competition but were actually illegal asylum seekers who were on benefits but lived in a bungalow?

Maybe they want to get in the loft to visit the rest of the family?

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