Sky tv (magic eye) for bedroom.

I can't speak for the device you've mentioned, but I have a wall mounted TV in my bedroom, and wanted to locate the sky box in a remote location, so as not to be seen. I ordered one of these and mounted it on a blank plate on the wall next to the light switch. I connected it via a length of Cat5 cable back to one of these located next to the sky box in a cupboard about 10m away.

Works really well, and best part no wires visible.
If you get this then it means that whoever is in the bedroom can only watch whatever channel the main box is tuned to and if they turn it over using the spare remote, then anyone watching the main box will have to watch the same thing.

If that is what you want then this will do fine e.g. you live on your own and would only watch one TV at a time. My sis-in-law has it and uses it to watch Sky when she goes to bed.

The alternative is to get another box and run a second cable off the dish but you would need to pay Sky an extra tenner for multiroom.
What I want to do is be able to watch sky t.v. in the bedroom, apparentley it can be done via a magic eye and long coaxial cable (really easy to do as i have trunking? right behind the downstairs tv and then can run the coax between the already drilled Joists upstairs). I was just wondering if this is the right thing for what i am trying to achieve?<br /><br />-- Wed Oct 05, 2011 10:06 am --<br /><br />
Mental_blue said:
If you get this then it means that whoever is in the bedroom can only watch whatever channel the main box is tuned to and if they turn it over using the same remote, then anyone watching the main box will have to watch the same thing.

If that is what you want then this will do fine e.g. you live on your own and would only watch one TV at a time. My sis-in-law has it and uses it to watch Sky when she goes to bed.

The alternative is to get another box and run a second cable off the dish but you would need to pay Sky an extra tenner for multiroom.

Me and the other half usually go to bed at the same time so this is fine. Cheers pal.!!!
Is this what I need?
I already have a spare remote, will it work with this device?

This will not send the signal to your spare room - you will still need to do that by running a cable from the back of your sky box to the spare room.

This might sound obvious, but I know a lot of people who think it does somehow send the signal. Wireless signal senders are available but they are around £60 and can be intefered with by.....well, interference!

EDIT - you do know, posted at same time!

It is all you would need to do if you dont mind the same programme being on for both tv's......but as mentioned - the cable would have to go from sky box (not downstairs tv) as the magic eye sends the signal into the sky box to change channel etc. You may have to mess with power settings from sky box to cable, as the magic eye uses power from the box to work.

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