Sleeping on aircraft.


Well-Known Member
28 Feb 2017
I fly long haul every year to NZ. How do people get to sleep? Apart from upgrading to Business Class(expensive) or getting blathered. I always ask for more leg room. So what tips and tricks do people have to help get you to sleep?
A friend of mine is married to a woman from Venezuela and they visited there regularly. He would pop a sleeping pill the minute the plane started on the runway and was asleep within 20 mins. He woke up after about 8/9 hours almost there. Need to get hold of sleepers though. A visit to the doctor with “insomnia” will often get a weeks supply.
I can't sleep on planes. Every time I fly back to Manchester I get to the hotel after being awake for 24hrs and it's only 11 - 12pm.
I'm usually awake for about 36hrs before I get some kip.
If you need a sleeping tablet

this is your friend. You can get it without prescription

Reduced sleep the night before and then a few scoops at the airport lounge. Bite to eat on board with a few more sherbets then hoodie pulled over head accompanied by some pre fab sprout and off and away with the fairy's. A good seat pitch and lighting also helps like on the 787's.

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